I wish people would cut back on using them "just because" or to purposely stay out later for penalty pay so that others could us them when they actually need them. It's a shame that someone has to take a whole day off to make a late afternoon family function, or whatever else, because others are just playing games for penalty pay. Recently a guy didn't get his 8 hour request because there were already too many. The look on his face when he came in and saw the usual 8 hour request hogs lounging in the dispatch office on their "lunch breaks" laughing about how they were getting penalty pay clearly showed how frustrated he was with them. I can't say that I blame him for the look of disgust he had.
This is not a shot at those that actually ATTEMPT to use 8 hour requests to have a lighter day twice a month or once in a while. Just those that game the system and screw other drivers in the process. One thing I have noticed though is that it seems that management in my center has figured out who the latter ones are and aren't attempting to comply with their requests but are accommodating those that they know are of the former group. Seems like a good strategy. I mean if all they want is penalty pay then why not load em down and let the others bring it in early? LOL!