8 hr guarantee

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
If this guy "circled out" braveheart, he has NO grievance. If he actually ran 37.45 spohr, then he is a fool. If he wants 8 hrs, then give him another split off another driver who is taking his lunch, breaks and walking at a brisk pace.

I do not believe this story.



Pees in the brown Koolaid
37.45 SPORH is physically impossible.

To actually accomplish that means that you would have to average a completed stop every 96 seconds for an entire workday.

The only scenario I can imagine that would allow for anything close to that pace would involve a 1000-unit development of row houses directly across the street from the center. Assuming a perfect load and perfect trace with no NDA to shag, no irregs to fight with, no COD's, no pickups, and the ability to release every package at a front door that was 10 feet from where he parked, I suppose it would be at least theoretically possible. And the sad part is, the driver would probably still be "overallowed".


promoted to mediocrity
37.45 SPORH is physically impossible.

To actually accomplish that means that you would have to average a completed stop every 96 seconds for an entire workday.

The only scenario I can imagine that would allow for anything close to that pace would involve a 1000-unit development of row houses directly across the street from the center. Assuming a perfect load and perfect trace with no NDA to shag, no irregs to fight with, no COD's, no pickups, and the ability to release every package at a front door that was 10 feet from where he parked, I suppose it would be at least theoretically possible. And the sad part is, the driver would probably still be "overallowed".

Maybe he did the Clarkville route.


Well-Known Member
So to make this short & sweet
180 stops done at 4 told by supe can't guarantee me 8 hrs unless im willing to work 8 I told him "no"! His response was well then you can work hrs only I said ok. As I am walking out 2 more drivers come in, if they get paid for 8 shouldn't I?[/QUOTE

Just follow the methods to the "tee", safety first, walking at a good pace, (no running) and those 180 stops will take more than 8 hours to do.
This happened to me last spring. center manager told me if I wanted to get paid for 8( back to building in 7.5 with lunch, 1st time in several years ), I had to go scrape grease off trailers. No problem. Not only did I get 8, but I got 2 hours of OT out of the deal, went over 9.5, and made my center manager mad. Do the extra work and don't stop until instructed if you can. Yeah, I was a jerk but I made my point. It is the companies reponsibility to dispatch at least 8 on each route. I also felt it was important to stick up for the drivers who, ON OCCASION, due to an important event, skip lunch and put in extra hustle for the day to make it to the event. As it is now, our managment is only concerned with us having 8 on paper and if someone gets in early(almost never), they are usually allowed to go home and get 8 paid with no issues.


Well-Known Member
read your supplement, you should be entitle to your 8 hours of pay. you can't combo a job (i.e do porter work or clerk). talk to your steward. good luck