More like a few dozens beers at a golf game. But you need to keep reading. If what you describe happens, the new language gives the union a fighting chance AWAY from panels and puts cit in an arbitrators lap. Awards, including progression advancement and back pay, can then go to prospective employees not offered driving opportunities. Never before has the union had an avenue to attack understaffing. This is huge.
Your explanation shows just HOW uninformed you are with respect to the grievance process. Southern comfort is exactly right. If you get violated, you file a grievance, you go to a local panel, it gets deadlocked. Panels are quarterly, so theres three months wasted, then you are rescheduled to the next panel three months later, it deadlocks there, then you get sent to the 9.5 committee and the laugh about it 6 months later. By then , who cares? Its SIX MONTHS LATER. Then, for kicks, the labor managers and the 9.5 committee meet with the center manager and he says, "OK, i wont do it again"... then, no need for arbitration, case settled. Then, and its a big "then", you want penalty pay, you go for it and push for arbitration. The language says "the arbitrator "MAY" award backpay. It doesnt offer a GUARANTEE of backpay just an out for the ARB.
He may tell you to go back to work and STFU.
This arbitration would be held approximately 1 year after the violation. By then, its old news.
This process is BULL CRAP from the jump. Its a complete waste of time for the employee, company and union. Why not have the language cut to the chase and keep it out of panels (or commonly called DEADLOCK COMMITTEES) and have the 9.5 committee and the labor manager meet on all cases IMMEDIATELY and remedy the problems?
Ill tell you why, the TEAMSTERS caved into the companys demands for delays. In 7 months, you WONT care about it anymore and are more likely to let it go.
This process BENEFITS the company, not the employees.
INTHEGAME, you better do a little more research before you come onto this board and defend horrible language as if was gospel.