Been with UPS for over 33 years and have had various jobs accross several districts and business units. Believe what you want. Just chill with the hate and anger. Pretty confident I understand that if competition can deliver packages cheaper than UPS at some point. The profits will go down or worse away. A good business person try’s to be ahead of the curve. All good buddy.
Your the reason this company is having issues for not thinking ahead you maroon. The stock is going down because guys like you didn't plan ahead and upgrade the buildings and invest in the company years ago. No I'm cool I will be angry and resentful to people like you that blame the worker for any mistake or loss when the sole blame lands on your door step stupid

. But hey what do I know I'm just the guy that sees the

show every day and hears the same complaints from customers why is my air late? Why dont you give me your number so I can tell him to call you since management is the reason why I cant make it out on time. Oh wait you will blame me for being too overpaid and too much benefits that's why. Please go stand by a wall and be useful at doing something for once.