A loader call out?


Well-Known Member
It is also a back breaking job for the new hires and no benefits. It was when I started also but at at least I made FT driver wages after 90 days and full benefits and no weekends or Holidays. Reason I stick around so long is to educate the new guys on how much they are being shorted compared to when I started. New FT drivers take home less working OT then I do working straight time PT. Plus I have 7 weeks paid vacations. But don't forget it could be a $100k/yr job someday.

Not disagreeing it could be better and that PT should be paid more and treated better just saying it's not as horrible as people like to make it out to be.

Let's not forget.. PT is only as hard as you make it. I've never seen any PTer fired for being slow. After they make seniority that is.


No, my name isnt mike
Realize in the ups mindset “you can be replaced”

Also you can try this calling out all the time and ups let’s you go and adds you to a no rehire list. Go collect your federal unemployment. Just remember it’s only temporary and you’ll be job searching soon after that.
You can't be "let go." They have to follow a discipline process.


I'm a star
Loaders you should be calling out on a single day all together. Let the union know how you feel about unemployed people making more than you.


Well-Known Member
POTUS signed an executive order of questionable legality with a $300 a week unemployment boost. They went of August vacation and won't be back till after labor day...
"Questionable legality" As if thats stopped anyone from following the mask mandates, DACA, gun control, mail in voting etc...


Well-Known Member
The funny thing about that is that it really means mail in voting is the democrats only hope.

Which is weird, apparently requiring ID is racist/voter suppression but forcing people to use snail mail to have ballots both sent out and picked up is super easy and not inconvenient at all.

So transparant.