your strong
your strong
cool trade mark sign on wut. you must be super clever in the blog world
you deserve 2000 a week.Blah bla blah. I hate my job! Now pay me my $1,000+ a week.
slow down you were way too fast to post that
Nice, you are witty! lmaoslow down you were way too fast to post that
Blogs? That's so 15 years trade mark sign on wut. you must be super clever in the blog world
so is your hair lineBlogs? That's so 15 years ago.
talk about 15 years agoYour mom loves my hair.
well I'm just hear entertaining myself while my oil is getting changed.I'll give you a re-do. You're boring me. Go.
don't get sued by the clever blog guywut?™
well I'm just hear entertaining myself while my oil is getting changed.
she's a beast
she said that's her smoke break. must put her through the ringer.cosmo1 holds the trademark. I licensed it's use. I just have to lend him your mom for 15 minutes a week.
Is that a euphemism for colon cleansing?well I'm just hear entertaining myself while my oil is getting changed.