A recap of my first day with UPS!

This thread needs to be sticky`d so that over the years we can watch SFBay go from bright chipper newbie to disgruntled veteran to bitter alcoholic retiree. It `ll be kind of a scientific time lapse kind of thing. Maybe SF could post some pics every few months so we can see how UPS takes its toll.


Boxline Sorter
Today will be my 1872nd work day at UPS. Of course that is with minusing vacations.

Day 1871 started as any normal 1800 day did. I got a cup of coffee managed to sneak my iPod past the guards yet again. Of course they don't care if we have them in the building, they just don't want us bring them in or out...I don't make the rules...

I broke a few packages.

Spent hours doing a job that I hate.

Clocked out and went home.

Wash Rinse Repeat.


Well-Known Member
Today will be my 1872nd work day at UPS. Of course that is with minusing vacations.

Day 1871 started as any normal 1800 day did. I got a cup of coffee managed to sneak my iPod past the guards yet again. Of course they don't care if we have them in the building, they just don't want us bring them in or out...I don't make the rules...

I broke a few packages.

Spent hours doing a job that I hate.

Clocked out and went home.

Wash Rinse Repeat.

Terrific post.

Your day is similar to my typical night, right down to sneaking the I-Pod by the security guards twice -once for the lunch hour and a hot meal.

UPS can be seen to the common man as one step below a prison. In prison you can at least get a hot meal and the avg prison guard is more intelligent and mature than the avg PT sup.

UPS proudly gives you the United Way combo bonus deluxe super meal deal with a cold, stiff Turkey Sandwich, chips and a drink all for the super low price of 4$. Small enough to where after standing in line for 6 minutes, you have all of 4 minutes to eat it ( it takes about 3 minutes).

I'll just have a pop tart and water, k thanks!


Retired 23 years
SFBay- I for one enjoy your updates on your training. Sure beats those "what kind of shoes should I wear?" posts. We all had that "first week of work " experience at one time or the other although I must admit it didn't envolve much training when I started- in fact I never got sent to UPS school at all. They just said " we want you to start tonight and take this package car to North Dakota (185 miles) and see if they have any pkgs to send back." ---------so I did -5 nights a week for my 1st 6 months.


Man of Great Wisdom
I want to see him progress to becoming a SF Driver. Cant imagine delivering in that city. Driving a car on those hills scared the crap out of me. Give us more info on your newly hired co-workers. Some real gems.


When I first started working in a center my training was *go play tetris*!
I am currently a reloader at the Montrose CO center. I do address corrections when needed and load the Eastbound trailer when needed. When I first started, I started as a Driver helper, Then at the end of janruary I was hired as a preloader then I was going to get layed off due to volume problems then it picked up again then started on the reload loading the eastbound trailer then the clerk quit someone from Preload took the clerk job then quit. then I took it then I went back to the trailer, then in the past week there was a really scary volume drop so I have been working where I am needed.


Well-Known Member
SF should describe the Richmond hub. From my understanding it is one where train tracks run into the building and are off loaded. Supposed to be huge with tons of trucks out in the yard waiting to be unloaded and loaded. Might not be a problem to him getting layed (sp?) off after Christmas if the caliber of his class of workers is any indicator.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Thing I always say when they introduce new guys: See you in a week.

Usually don't, we laugh either way though.

Did you start as "seasonal" help since its peak? If so enjoy trying to keep the job. I started during peak, fired and rehired in the same day :happy2: I can see it will take you a while to become complacent and hate your job, everyone gets there though. Just don't get lazy :wink2:


Well-Known Member
I actually had the "seasonal" thing come up yesterday with a SUP. Now I may have been directly lied to but, I was hired as a regular employee and NOT seasonal. I asked 4 times before I got hired just to make sure. :)

I have to run right now, but at the Richmond Hub we do have train tracks that run next to our building, but not into it. The feeders are unloaded from the train and a truck brings it over to the building. It is a large facility from what I can see, with PLENTY of work.

We're being told to expect 8, 9, or 10 hours on Sunday.


Livin the cardboard dream
SF should describe the Richmond hub. From my understanding it is one where train tracks run into the building and are off loaded. Supposed to be huge with tons of trucks out in the yard waiting to be unloaded and loaded. Might not be a problem to him getting layed (sp?) off after Christmas if the caliber of his class of workers is any indicator.

Good luck.



Well-Known Member
I actually had the "seasonal" thing come up yesterday with a SUP. Now I may have been directly lied to but, I was hired as a regular employee and NOT seasonal. I asked 4 times before I got hired just to make sure. :)

I have to run right now, but at the Richmond Hub we do have train tracks that run next to our building, but not into it. The feeders are unloaded from the train and a truck brings it over to the building. It is a large facility from what I can see, with PLENTY of work.

We're being told to expect 8, 9, or 10 hours on Sunday.

seasonal or not, good luck :wink2: