

Well-Known Member
You may not be as smart as you think you are. There have been many times, historically, that Christians have tried to extinguish the life of non-Christians.

Also, is there another type of Muslim besides Islamic Muslims?
And Christians have progressed. Do we dismiss the horrendous actions of any group now because another group did bad things in the past? And it always amazes me how liberals are so quick to attack anything remotely Christian while defending Islamists who are so harsh on their women and favored groups like gays. Many Christians believe homosexuality is a sin, and liberals tear out their hair over that. Gays are beaten, imprisoned, and even executed in many Muslim countries and you never hear liberals denouncing them. Women are chattel in those countries, crickets are chirping here. All that matters is Muslims are against Christianity.


Well-Known Member
The "true" to the Quran Muslim's path? KILL THE INFIDEL !
The "Radical Muslim" according to the Quran is not radical at all, but pleasing to allah. They are walking the walk.
“Kill them [unbelievers] wherever you find them… And fight them until there is no more unbelief and worship is for Allah alone” (Quran 2:191-193).

“Strike off their heads and strike from them every fingertip” (Quran 8:12).

“Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties; in exchange for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah, so they slay and are slain” (Quran 9:111).

“Truly Allah loves those who fight in His cause in battle array…” (Quran 61:4)

“The Messenger of Allah said: I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah” (Sahih Muslim 1:33).

The " peace loving" Muslims are 1 of 2 things. Hypocrites or laying in wait.
Or they're only nominally Muslim. Grew up in it but don't practice it.

Frankie's Friend

And Christians have progressed. Do we dismiss the horrendous actions of any group now because another group did bad things in the past? And it always amazes me how liberals are so quick to attack anything remotely Christian while defending Islamists who are so harsh on their women and favored groups like gays. Many Christians believe homosexuality is a sin, and liberals tear out their hair over that. Gays are beaten, imprisoned, and even executed in many Muslim countries and you never hear liberals denouncing them. Women are chattel in those countries, crickets are chirping here. All that matters is Muslims are against Christianity.
I don't think that I will ever forget the videos of "gays" being thrown off buildings in Iraq by isis.

Was there something said by the obama administration about that?

It was a great week for golf I'm sure.

Frankie's Friend

This is creative...

This...not so much.

No bull, that's udderly gone bananas.


Well-Known Member
Talk trash about 'Allah' around them and "nominal" may turn into something real fast.
I was just over in Central Asia where the majority are Muslim but many don't adhere to it. Saw women walking around in shorts next to women fully covered. Most are in Western clothing, including women. Talked with some ladies who were very interested in how things are in the U.S. vs their country. Very difficult for them to rise to positions that lead to wealth and independence. Those are saved for the men.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Keep being scared of the Muslims and Jews that are peaceful, they're just lying in wait! Be afraid, be very afraid!
Scared? I never sounded an alarm. I'll give you credit and go with you are aware of that.
Made a point, quoted the Quran.
When you aren't pickin' hay seed out of your mouth, maybe you can be a little more creative with your jack legged comments.


Well-Known Member
Right from the Us Library of Medicine:
"Harlequin ichthyosis is very rare; its exact incidence is unknown."
I sure there is a higher incidence of abortions from those who practice "reproductive medicine" than children being born with the affliction.

But...Jesus loves the little children. Except the ones that get cancer or Harlequin..


Inordinately Right
Made a point, quoted the Quran.
You pointed to violence in the Quran, and said peaceful Muslims are either hypocrites or lying in wait to commit violence.

We're both familiar with the violence in the old testament. I made a point that your logic says Jews are either hypocrites or lying in wait to commit violence.

Then you started dancing away from your nonsense. Not surprised.


Well-Known Member
You pointed to violence in the Quran, and said peaceful Muslims are either hypocrites or lying in wait to commit violence.

We're both familiar with the violence in the old testament. I made a point that your logic says Jews are either hypocrites or lying in wait to commit violence.

Then you started dancing away from your nonsense. Not surprised.
The violence in the old testament has nothing to do with forcing the recipients of the violence to accept the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.


Well-Known Member
I think at some point you have to walk the walk, rather than talk it.
My only talk is I'm a sinner, a forgiven sinner. I couldn't walk the walk you prescribe, my Lord had to do it for me to make me presentable to His Father. When I trusted his finished work solely, his father became my father. I'm sorry if that does not satisfy you or anyone else for that matter, but that is truth.

Jesus, The Christ, The Son of the living God, surrendered his life for me, my sins past, present and future. The proof that God was satisfied with His work was confirmed by His resurrection from the dead and He is alive for evermore. I'm saved by grace through faith. That is the Gospel.
My walk is giving all glory and honor to my saviour for loving and giving himself for me.
I'm sure if he did it for a despicable person like me, the same would be offered to a fine person as yourself and all other fine people.



Well-Known Member
Actually, it does. Christians were literally the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and ISIS all wrapped into one against the Western Roman Empire.
You sir are not worth my wasting time with. In the first place I was speaking, as dido was of old testament times. You're a light weight ideologue. Inform yourself and come back to me if you choose to. I promise I won't be any nicer. If you were speaking in an analogy it is not needed, use the people and nations existing at that time. You aren't very smart and are certainly not literate on the old Testament. Harvest elsewhere cold guy.


Well-Known Member
Your funny rating is noted @It will be fine, you just dealt with me. You have a future appointment to deal with your judge. I promise, on good information, he knows the precise moment your last breath will be. Why shouldn't he, he holds it in his hand. Being cocky on politics leads to fun exchanges, being cocky to God leads to salvation frequently. I welcome all new brothers and sisters in Christ, whosoever will, that is who the invitation goes out to.