

Frankie's Friend

I thought you were starting a competition for stupid posts.

I acquiesce to you as the winner of that category

Now you can get back to crying about inviable fetuses.

They built a wall?
Come on Drive bro. Dont you see that you're showing a pattern here?
People on both sides of the wall can walk away from the border. An unborn child cannot escape the knife of a doctor seeking to murder that little boy or girl.

Children, now called fetuses, are defenseless and faceless victims of a hard hearted society.

I'd rather pay for unclaimed children who have a chance to live and grow up, even in an orphanage, than to be an unwilling donor and complicit to butchering a defenseless human being.

We have got to be better than this.


Inordinately Right
Laugh now. Weep later.
Look at this poor baby that was murdered, it just brings me to tears.

Frankie's Friend

Mess with the eggs of a bird of prey and you'll end up with federal charges.
But you say "oh, the embryo is not the human being".
Conservation officers would laugh as you were handcuffed for smashing these eggs.

And btw...
These are all bald eagles.

But you are an authority on life and where it comes from right?

Are these eggs and yet a tiny eagle too?
Professing wisdom doesnt exempt people from being fools.


Inordinately Right
Mess with the eggs of a bird of prey and you'll end up with federal charges.
But you say "oh, the embryo is not the human being".
Conservation officers would laugh as you were handcuffed for smashing these eggs.View attachment 232557
And btw...
These are all bald eagles.View attachment 232558
But you are an authority on life and where it comes from right?
View attachment 232559
Are these eggs and yet a tiny eagle too?
Professing wisdom doesnt exempt people from being fools.
So yes, you think the couple who went through fertility treatment are murderers.

Ok then