

Well-Known Member
Are abortions traumatic?
The left celebrates them now.

The days of 'safe legal and rare' are dead. Children celebrating their abortions with tik tok viral videos are where we're at now.

I’m not on tik tok, I’ll take your word for it.

No one wants to have an abortion, it’s a last ditch measure.

Everyone who’s had one regrets it, mostly.

If we could only get to a place where sex-ed was taught, condoms were freely available, and nonsense abstinence talk wasn’t the norm, we could likely eliminate abortions.

Sure, wrap that rascal, great advice, unless you didn’t get the memo because your Republican Governor banned sex-ed and even the mention of birth control.


Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
I’m not on tik tok, I’ll take your word for it.

No one wants to have an abortion, it’s a last ditch measure.

Everyone who’s had one regrets it, mostly.

If we could only get to a place where sex-ed was taught, condoms were freely available, and nonsense abstinence talk wasn’t the norm, we could likely eliminate abortions.

Sure, wrap that rascal, great advice, unless you didn’t get the memo because your Republican Governor banned sex-ed and even the mention of birth control.

Abortion is now simply considered birth control for the 'unprepared' who lack self control.
If they were told they were having a puppy instead of a baby, there would be fewer abortions.
Those who have abortions have been given the gift of their own life but hold in low regard the life of their child.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Abortion is now simply considered birth control for the 'unprepared' who lack self control.
If they were told they were having a puppy instead of a baby, there would be fewer abortions.
Those who have abortions have been given the gift of their own life but hold in low regard the life of their child.
When the scripture speaks of "without natural affection " the reference is to homosexuality. But, how unnatural and without affection can it be when a woman kills the baby inside her body.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
When the scripture speaks of "without natural affection " the reference is to homosexuality. But, how unnatural and without affection can it be when a woman kills the baby inside her body.
"What God has joined together, let no man rend asunder" takes on a new meaning when applying it to abortion rather than marriage.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
I’m not on tik tok, I’ll take your word for it.

No one wants to have an abortion, it’s a last ditch measure.

Everyone who’s had one regrets it, mostly.

If we could only get to a place where sex-ed was taught, condoms were freely available, and nonsense abstinence talk wasn’t the norm, we could likely eliminate abortions.

Sure, wrap that rascal, great advice, unless you didn’t get the memo because your Republican Governor banned sex-ed and even the mention of birth control.

Kids should be taught responsibility not more rated x sex instructions. They already know how it works. Have an economics course on what it takes to move out of mom's basement. Facts
Woman are the more loving and caring sex. Suppressing their nature by jealousy, butch feminism, and the killing of their children have divided the sexes destroyed families and made self sacrifice, the belief of fools.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member

Blows your mind how cold society can be. Anyways where's my check