

Well-Known Member
You think I need organized religion to pray? You are a lost soul fren.

Very sad that Democrats can't even vote against murdering babies that have been born. Extremism has taken over your party. Very sad.


No one is 'murdering' babies that have been born.

Please, give me one example.

Just one example.

If this is such a widespread problem that necessitates a law, it should be easy for you to give me an example of 'a baby born that was murdered'.

I'll wait.


Well-Known Member
Then it should have been an easy vote for Democrats to vote against post birth abortion right?

Are Democrats actually in favor of post birth abortion? Or are they completely politically inept? Trick question..... it's both.


Get back to me when you can supply an actual example of 'post birth abortion'.

Otherwise, you're just talking out your :censored2:


The truth never changes.

Get back to me when you can supply an actual example of 'post birth abortion'.

Otherwise, you're just talking out your :censored2:
Partial birth abortions are applicable to being born and their whole body, except for their head, is outside the mother.

That makes is Post even if it's Partial.

Are you that hard hearted?