

Well-Known Member

How far along is that fetus? If I had to guess I would say late second trimester to early third and, yes, at that point, barring any medical complications or signs of birth defects, that fetus should not be aborted. I support the right of women to choose to have an abortion during the first trimester but do not support the use of abortion as simply another form of birth control.


Well-Known Member
How far along is that fetus? If I had to guess I would say late second trimester to early third and, yes, at that point, barring any medical complications or signs of birth defects, that fetus should not be aborted. I support the right of women to choose to have an abortion during the first trimester but do not support the use of abortion as simply another form of birth control.


A babies heartbeat in the womb starts at the six week period--by the eighth week matches the heartbeat of its mother.

The only "decision" after that --when wanting to Abort ---Is whose heartbeat are we "choosing " to stop.:angel:

With all the contraception --morning after pills etc -----the 6o million plus and growing number of baby murders is barbaric.


golden ticket member
Egg meets sperm........do a DNA at that moment. What have you got? It's not feline or bovine or porcine.......it's homosapien !!! That's a human being!!


golden ticket member
I will accept the morning after pill........2 people have unprotected sex and she takes a pill not knowing if she's pregnant or not.
There's really no excuse anymore with all the ways and products available today to prevent . You'd have to be dumber than a stump if you don' know how to not get pregnant.


Nine Lives

A babies heartbeat in the womb starts at the six week period--by the eighth week matches the heartbeat of its mother.

The only "decision" after that --when wanting to Abort ---Is whose heartbeat are we "choosing " to stop.:angel:

With all the contraception --morning after pills etc -----the 6o million plus and growing number of baby murders is barbaric.
The vast majority of those 60 million would be Democrats today ... which goes to show there is a silver lining in every cloud.


Well-Known Member
Do the folks that are pro choice believe that a death certificate should be issued for a child that was miscarried because of a strike to the woman's stomach. That is murder according to the law. Or if someone murders a pregnant women, there are two counts of murder, not one. Do you disagree with these laws? Just wondering, most I would think would not.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
And taking the life of an unborn baby because of a birth defect !!!! Hmmmm sounds like something that the Nazis wanted, a perfect race !! I don't think so ! Adoption is a solution to an unwanted child! My Best friend( my cousin) was
adopted ,,sure would miss him !


Well-Known Member
And taking the life of an unborn baby because of a birth defect !!!! Hmmmm sounds like something that the Nazis wanted, a perfect race !! I don't think so ! Adoption is a solution to an unwanted child! My Best friend( my cousin) was
adopted ,,sure would miss him !

Raising a child with special needs is a huge commitment. There are also questions as to the quality of life the child would have. I'm sorry, but I support the choice of an abortion when it has been determined that the fetus will most likely be born with birth defects.


golden ticket member
Raising a child with special needs is a huge commitment. There are also questions as to the quality of life the child would have. I'm sorry, but I support the choice of an abortion when it has been determined that the fetus will most likely be born with birth defects.
Tell that to Chris Burke.....


The Nim
Who else would the world be without if you played god?? Choice my ass...........

I don't like abortion either, but it's going to happen banned or not, so it must be controlled and can you seriously imagine the choice a potential set of parents would be going through if the tests and medical diagnosis is that the child will almost certainly be mentally or physically handicapped if they are born? I pray I never have to consider it seriously beyond debate, but that kinda choice will weigh heavily on any parent that wouldn't have just aborted as soon as they found out about the pregnancy anyways. Bring a child into the world full of hardships, both for the parents and the child, or end things but still have the emotional trauma of ending things without truly knowing how it would have ended up?

If you had to make that kinda choice, you have my condolences, but this is one of those issues for me that despite my logic leaning tendencies I can't do it here. Too much emotion will happen to just lock it all out and go with logic and reason.


Well-Known Member
I don't like abortion either, but it's going to happen banned or not, so it must be controlled and can you seriously imagine the choice a potential set of parents would be going through if the tests and medical diagnosis is that the child will almost certainly be mentally or physically handicapped if they are born? I pray I never have to consider it seriously beyond debate, but that kinda choice will weigh heavily on any parent that wouldn't have just aborted as soon as they found out about the preg anyways. Bring a child into the world full of hardships, both for the parents and the child, or end things but still have the emotional trauma of ending things without truly knowing how it would have ended up?

If you had to make that kinda choice, you have my condolences, but this is one of those issues for me that despite my logic leaning tendencies I can't do it here. Too much emotion will happen to just lock it all out and go with logic and reason.


I hear you --but unfortunately Abortion is too often spoken in terms of "exceptions"

I have a niece with "spina bifida" My sister was given the "choice" of letting her continue to live or not.

That was in 1980. Today my niece at age 33 -although in a wheelchair her entire life --has a College Degree --has a great job in a law firm --has participated in the Olympics as a world class archer--is self sufficient --drives her own car--owns her own house --has a boyfriend --goes "body surfing" with navy seals in the Atlantic and is a beautiful caring HUMAN BEING !!
My sister never should have had to make the "choice" whether my niece was aloud to live her life or not.


Well-Known Member
Also can over SIXTY MILLION and counting Abortions be considered exceptions ???

Many people do see the need for Abortion except in extreme cases --rape incest --life of mom etc.
Should be exception rather than the rule --particularly with advances such as all kinds of Birth control paid for and available --including "morning after pill"