

That’s Craptacular
Yeah, why don't you tell that to people who have lost a baby 3 weeks in recently, I think you'll find that those who value babies do so from the first second, and those who love to kill everything, it could be a 30 week old fetus and they'd still end the pregnancy because they don't give a damn. Just give them their entitlements, and their used BMW's or Mercedes', and they're happy.
Yes, it's unimaginably sad when a woman has a miscarriage. What does that have to do with abortion? She would've lost the baby regardless of how many other women had abortions...


That’s Craptacular
It has to do with a baby..........a baby...........at the moment of conception it is a human being. A DNA test will tell you that.
Okay, let's say tomorrow, abortion is now illegal. What do we as a society do with all the unwanted children given up for adoption....or woman who are "raising" a child/children they neither wanted, nor can afford?


Inordinately Right
Okay, let's say tomorrow, abortion is now illegal. What do we as a society do with all the unwanted children given up for adoption....or woman who are "raising" a child/children they neither wanted, nor can afford?


Well-Known Troll
So you're ok with the morning after pill then?

I used to be, justifying it by saying that since the embryo had not yet imbedded in the uterine lining, that technically it wasn't ending a pregnancy. However, after my wife having a VERY early miscarriage, I have done a 180. I don't feel that anyone should be able to stop a pregnancy unless the life of the woman is in imminent danger, no exceptions.


That’s Craptacular
I would only hope that all the women who decide to try to self abort would rupture and bleed out themselves. After all, the people that we're talking about aren't known for their high functioning brains
But you expect these women with their non high functioning brains to bring children in this world and raise them? Guess what...chances are their kids ain't going to be much smarter than they are. And I'm out...


Inordinately Right
Then why would you post a tasteless POS like that?? Really dude??!.wtf
I don't think it's tasteless. I think a picture makes a much bigger impact than just saying back alley doctor.
That's a pretty cartoonish picture compared to what I could have put up there, search for yourself. The clipart I posted takes your mind right to the inevitable result of republicans' anti-abortion stance.

Some people can't seem to face the reality of what making the morning after pill and abortion illegal really is.
I don't think it's tasteless. I think a picture makes a much bigger impact than just saying back alley doctor.
That's a pretty cartoonish picture compared to what I could have put up there, search for yourself. The clipart I posted takes your mind right to the inevitable result of republicans' anti-abortion stance.

Some people can't seem to face the reality of what making the morning after pill and abortion illegal really is.

No that was just pure tasteless.every person knows what that means! im not gonna stick up for abortion, but every woman has the right to choose! I guy can squirt wherever he wants "and thats fine?" but a woman gets knocked up in a moment of passion, is a whore??.....BS


That’s Craptacular
No that was just pure tasteless.every person knows what that means! im not gonna stick up for abortion, but every woman has the right to choose! I guy can squirt wherever he wants "and thats fine?" but a woman gets knocked up in a moment of passion, is a whore??.....BS
THANK YOU! Finally, a real man's opinion. I'm not speaking from personal experience, but not everyone who's had an abortion is a slut or a whore.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's tasteless. I think a picture makes a much bigger impact than just saying back alley doctor.
That's a pretty cartoonish picture compared to what I could have put up there, search for yourself. The clipart I posted takes your mind right to the inevitable result of republicans' anti-abortion stance.

Some people can't seem to face the reality of what making the morning after pill and abortion illegal really is.


You bring Jesus and Christianity into the death penalty ----ABORTION --What would Jesus say ???