

Well-Known Member
Only an idiot would disagree with that. Pro-deathers seem to think that a baby is just some dead glob of goo during the first trimester (and...sadly....some know better and still don't care) and think that an abortion is nothing more than removing said goo.

I guess that I am an idiot.

Pro choicers believe that the woman should have the right to choose whether or not to abort the fetus during the first and second trimester.

Life infers the ability to sustain oneself outside of the womb. A 7 day old clump of cells lacks the ability to do so and therefore is not considered to be alive.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I guess that I am an idiot.

Pro choicers believe that the woman should have the right to choose whether or not to abort the fetus during the first and second trimester.

Life infers the ability to sustain oneself outside of the womb. A 7 day old clump of cells lacks the ability to do so and therefore is not considered to be alive.
Your definition of life is conveniently and cleverly crafted in a manner that creates a false moral gray area that allows the termination of human life before it is ever even given a chance to be separated from the mother.

And here is a look at your approved second trimester abortion techniques.

D & E Abortion Procedure | What You Need To Know


Well-Known Member
I didn't bother clicking on your link but I assume that my favorite (slicing and sucking) was among them.

Look, in all seriousness, I do not take abortion lightly nor do I feel that it should be viewed as simply another birth control option; however, I also do not feel that I have the right to force a woman to carry an unwanted baby to term just so that she can hand it over to a complete stranger to raise.

What is your position on aborting fetuses with known medical "defects" which could/would profoundly hinder their quality of life?


golden ticket member
I guess that I am an idiot.

Pro choicers believe that the woman should have the right to choose whether or not to abort the fetus during the first and second trimester.

Life infers the ability to sustain oneself outside of the womb. A 7 day old clump of cells lacks the ability to do so and therefore is not considered to be alive.
A "7 day old clump of cells" would still test (dna) as a homo sapien......that's a human! The woman's choice should be to keep her legs together.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
I know a guy who a few years ago was seeing this girl on and off. Eventually she got pregnant, accidental, but he was in a stable enough position to start raising it. He seemed so happy and excited even though that's not what they were trying for. I could even see it in this energy he had about him.

One day soon after, she broke the news that she went and had his kid aborted right out from under him. He was absolutely heartbroken. It took almost a year for him to get over it. Her body her choice, and now he makes the choice to stay far the hell away from pro-choice women.


Well-Known Member
On the flip side, he knocks her up, she wants the kid, he doesn't, he leaves. She is in college or just starting her career and now must decide what to do all on her own.

Should she then be forced to carry the kid to term and hand him/her off to a complete stranger?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I guess that I am an idiot.

Pro choicers believe that the woman should have the right to choose whether or not to abort the fetus during the first and second trimester.

Life infers the ability to sustain oneself outside of the womb. A 7 day old clump of cells lacks the ability to do so and therefore is not considered to be alive.
Do you even know what the Latin word fetus means?

Fetus means offspring.

Reread what you posted and substitute offspring in place of where you put fetus.

Sounds sick now, doesn't it?


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
Do you even know what the Latin word fetus means?

Fetus means offspring.

Reread what you posted and substitute offspring in place of where you put fetus.

Sounds sick now, doesn't it?

This is faux outrage to make liberals appear to be evil, you really truly don't care.

You're the guy who is just fine with the fact the US killed many innocents (you know, actual living, breathing conscious people) in Hirsoshima and Nagasaki, and you can't wait for Donald Trump to do more of the same in the Middle East. That's sick.

If anything you only care about people being able to have sex seemingly without consequence, which your backwards-thinking "Christian" (quotes very much intentional) mind will not allow you to do.

Chill out, and mind your own business.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
On the flip side, he knocks her up, she wants the kid, he doesn't, he leaves. She is in college or just starting her career and now must decide what to do all on her own.

Should she then be forced to carry the kid to term and hand him/her off to a complete stranger?
Many women in that situation chose to have the baby and everything worked out well. Some did and things didn't work out so well. But giving up beforehand and killing the baby is not the answer.

This is faux outrage to make liberals appear to be evil, you really truly don't care.

You're the guy who is just fine with the fact the US killed many innocents (you know, actual living, breathing conscious people) in Hirsoshima and Nagasaki, and you can't wait for Donald Trump to do more of the same in the Middle East. That's sick.

If anything you only care about people being able to have sex seemingly without consequence, which your backwards-thinking "Christian" (quotes very much intentional) mind will not allow you to do.

Chill out, and mind your own business.
The systematic extermination of unwanted babies could be avoided if people didn't operate under the false assumption that being liberal with sex didn't carry consequences. Unwanted babies and STDs are 100% avoidable.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
This is faux outrage to make liberals appear to be evil, you really truly don't care.

You're the guy who is just fine with the fact the US killed many innocents (you know, actual living, breathing conscious people) in Hirsoshima and Nagasaki, and you can't wait for Donald Trump to do more of the same in the Middle East. That's sick.

If anything you only care about people being able to have sex seemingly without consequence, which your backwards-thinking "Christian" (quotes very much intentional) mind will not allow you to do.

Chill out, and mind your own business.
It's called birth control.

It's either free or cheap in most places.

No excuse for getting an unwanted pregnancy.


Nine Lives
SO sad........

Abortions Kill More People Every Year Than Heart Disease or Cancer | LifeNews.com


Thank Gawd!
That's at least a half-million Demoncrats that will not vote in 20 years!
Crime rates will be lower.
One less Ferguson.

Abortions will help make this country great again!

Maybe if we incentivized Blacks, Hispanics and Demoncrats to have abortions, we can hasten the greatening of this once great country.
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