

The truth never changes.
I think abortion is appalling. But would consider terminating within a few days of rape or incest. And if that's allowed then pretty much anyone seeking a very early pregnancy termination should be allowed also. Just no heartbeat, no brain wave activity, no potential for pain.
Steal or crush a bald eagle's egg and see what gets terminated if the law finds out.

The bird's egg has more protection than an unborn human.

Have we become so open minded that some folks brains fell out?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Says the people who support Medicare 4 all.
Why do you hate freedom? I’m not sure my employees like the system we have where I get to decide what doctors they get to see. I guess in the new theocracy I get to decide if they get birth control too. I have deeply held religious concerns about their healthcare.

El Correcto

god is dead
Why do you hate freedom? I’m not sure my employees like the system we have where I get to decide what doctors they get to see. I guess in the new theocracy I get to decide if they get birth control too. I have deeply held religious concerns about their healthcare.
They consented to that arrangement


Well-Known Member
So a pile of cells isn’t a live baby. I know you’d love a world where the government makes medical decisions for the populace but thankfully we have more freedom here.
It's not a dead baby either. If, as you said, women were being forced to carry a dead baby to term, well for one the baby is no longer developing. And women would be dying from a dead entity in them making them ill. Absolutely nowhere is that happening so basically you're full of it, willing to lie to smear people you feel superior to.


Inordinately Right
What law is that?

The one that allows termination of a pregnancy if the fetus is unviable or will kill the mother?

Which law allows termination of a healthy baby at just under nine months?

(Hint, no law allows that)
Why do Democrat candidates for president support it then? I think they might be addicted to losing elections.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
It's not a dead baby either. If, as you said, women were being forced to carry a dead baby to term, well for one the baby is no longer developing. And women would be dying from a dead entity in them making them ill. Absolutely nowhere is that happening so basically you're full of it, willing to lie to smear people you feel superior to.
You don’t care about women’s health. If a fetus has no brain but is still “developing” you’d force the woman to give birth and call her a murderer for not keeping the brainless baby on life support after the birth. You’re sick.


Inordinately Right
You don’t care about women’s health. If a fetus has no brain but is still “developing” you’d force the woman to give birth and call her a murderer for not keeping the brainless baby on life support after the birth. You’re sick.
Why are you assuming the person carrying the fetus is a woman?

How dare you assume the host of the clump of cells is a traditional binary gender. Shame on you.

El Correcto

god is dead
Why do you hate freedom? I’m not sure my employees like the system we have where I get to decide what doctors they get to see. I guess in the new theocracy I get to decide if they get birth control too. I have deeply held religious concerns about their healthcare.
Oh yeah I forgot. Why do you hate freedom?