Got the T-Shirt
Last ditch effort by FZ, and TDU.
I agree. They are reaching in order to try one last ditch effort.
"But Teamster members still have time to vote"
Just another TDU hit piece. That's all they do.
Tearing Down Unions.
Bring up Ron Carey....
And they scatter, like cockroaches.
A whole bunch of nothing
The funny thing is a lot of locals are spending a lot of their members money on Tdu. This is a fact. Once they lose this election the real charges will fly. Just wait.

FZ hasn't been in power long enough to make the connections
He has been the President of Local 89 since 2000.
Lost his appointment as IBT Carhaul Director.... for incompetence.
(which he desperately wants back)
Kenny hall is as honest as honest can be.
People said the same thing about the charges against Bill L. Look where he is now.
He's retired.
Ken will be fine.
See me on November 18h.
Even the TDU pukes in my Local.... have conceded the fact, that they LOST.