About time they got caught!


I hope so. Not just for you, but for the sake of the IBT. Too many corruption charges against too many officers.

Imagine what it would do to the IBT if the #2 man is convicted.
Trust me when I tell you this. It is all bull crap and will all go in the trash. No wrong doing at all.




Hoffa boys are awful quiet tonite I thought they'd be all over this defending their hero
Right after Hoffa and Hall win this election it will come out that this is all bullcrap. Give it a couple weeks and you will see. Other than that what's the point of arguing it. You won't believe it. When the proof comes out that it's bullcrap you will say conspiracy. It's the same cycle over and over.


Hopefully they will, very shortly.

Can you say term limits?
It takes a minimum of two terms in local office to get anywhere as far if knowledge and understanding how things work to actually help your members. 99% of members don't even understand this. So how would term limits work. 90% of the members don't vote. So should we put the people in office that can't be bothered to vote? People spend years learning how to negotiate contracts and settle workplace disputes. Okay you have been doing it 8 years times up. Think about it.