Access to seniority list, and bid sheet problems.


Well-Known Member
Teamsters on strike? Scabs are strikebreakers, not right to work-ers. Atleast know your * when you are unofficially representing the Teamsters.
Oh yeah? Let me guess you read wikipedia so that must be the only definition.
Screenshot_20201021-232328_Samsung Internet.jpg

Seems to me that a Scab can be used for anyone that refuses to join a union or take part in organized labor.

The history of the word means more than just a strike breaker.

So maybe you should know your S* before trying to defend your fellow scabs.

eats packages

Deranged lunatic
No I’m a hard worker that has never needed help to keep my job because I show up and work hard. Didn’t know I needed to pay money for someone to do the right thing.
Let me see where that gets you.
I think they care more about attitude than actual performance here.