Race was never argued in evidence in the Zimmerman case, the FBI has not concluded it's investigation, and people are still talking about it so I have to disagree with your conclusions. Maybe we can prevent further tragedies, but calling it one and sweeping it under the rug won't get it done.
I tend to agree---lets have this conversation in detail. It is time. Blacks are 12.6 % of the total population.
Throw out the very young and the very old --and also the bbsams and law abiding Blacks like you .
We are probably now talking about 3% committing over 50% of the murders.
Does this cause fear of all young Blacks --YES
Does this cause profiling and extra attention by cops --YES
Do women -black and white clutch their handbags on elevators --YES
Do people lock their car doors as a young black male approach--Yes
President Obama claims 30 years ago -he could have ben travon -Yes
20 YEARS AGO --he could have been Zimmerman --YES
When are we going to address children born out of wedlock --run the streets-get into drugs -get suspended from school --Blacks have the highest dropout rates---crime --jail --back to father another generation of children to the cycle ???
Time for a very serious conversation ---the million man march tried --I give Louis Farrakhan credit --but this problem in the Black community shows no sign of getting better.
This 3% is weaking havoc on all of society --including you .

Look at Travon ---17 yrs old --into drugs--had stolen property on him --suspended from school --not punished or grounded --no parental control --sent to a brother of another mothers house ---???? He was on the road of Failure --and a tradegy occurred along the way --killed in Sanford --or killed in Chicago --same conversation--it is time to have it.
I can also state that if I do not know the Black male approaching me in the street -----I have FEAR. NOT as an excuse as President Obama said ---but I have Just cause for this fear based on REAL CRIME STATISTICS !!!!!!