Just love your "liberal world view"
Lets just look at the "Irish" You do know that Slavery came to the new world in the year 1619----By the ENGLISH and SPANISH Empires ---who got their Slaves from African's selling other Africans.
Take a look when you get a chance --what the English empire was doing to the Irish ---Murder, starvation ,confiscation of property political imprisonment --the whole nine yards ----some believe worse than slavery --which no one argues was terrible.
On the great one hundred and fifty year anniversary of Gettysburg---where in three days over 53,000 White men died--many of them Irish --just off the boat ---fought to end Slavery------
They then had to Navigate through the "New England" and the "New YORK" --where for years were looked at as non -human scum "Irish need not apply"
Many turned to alcohol addiction --which in part led to great Politicians putting in Prohibition --that worked well --similar to the libs pushing "gun prohibition"
today. The Irish had to fight and straighten out some of their own personal responsibility problems -in their communities --similar to what the Blacks have to do today. The Irish did not have the Welfare state or the Affirmative action programs .
Irish families today --that were enslaved by the English--fought in America to end Slavery --Have their children denied access to Colleges, Jobs or Promotions --due to affirmative action programs.
Every class of people have had their problems --time for many of them to look in the mirror.
The death threat to every Black person in America --is not the Whitey racist hunting him down --it is the Black next to him.
I guess you are an expert on the "system" or the "white" drug importers ----Should look up the History of Nicky Barnes and the thousand of other drug Kingpins that are minorities ---suppliers--laundering --the whole deal --get out of past -and look at the present --and the impact on the next generation. Gang members selling CRACK -hooking for life their fellow human beings --should go to jail for a very long time .
P.S. Not just a Black President --The top LAW OFFICER of the U.S. is also Black .
PPS--If you think are prisons are over 50% full of Black men -whose only crime was smoking pot ----you must really believe that the Liberal establishment is really not trying to pry that gun out of your warm hands today.
In your State --Oregon --on your next day off --sit all day in the Portland courtroom --I believe it will be an eye opener.
I have lived in three different countries and many different States. In one of the "lily white" States with minorities only 2% of the total --while my wife served Jury Duty --I spent a week listening and observing our legal system in action . A state 98% White -----Assault, Rape, Murder, armed Robbery, domestic abuse, drug selling etc etc etc ------many violent crimes --99% minority.
Sounds like the "Great Society" of LBJ and the billions spent and we continue to spend has created a new"Plantation" Where people are dependant --get the basics of housing and food --like any slave or prisoner ---and than --well you know "the rest of the story"
Time for real solutions --many the Black community must do for THEMSELVES !!!