I will address it right now, and I'm going to piss some people off.
State-sanctioned oppression, discrimination, segregation and legalized oppression of black people as an entire race only ended in the mid-1960's. I was born in 1967, so we are only talking about a generation or two ago. The idea that some well meaning white people can pass a law and say "ok black people, no more riding on the back of the bus, you are legally equal to us now so get your

together and get jobs and become doctors and lawyers and politicians and start behaving the way we expect you to
immediately" is kind of stupid and naive. Systematic, legal opression and dehumanization of an entire
race will negatively affect that race for
Now add to that the so-called "war on drugs" that disproportionately targets and sentences and incarcerates young black men. It
isnt the black men who are importing the drugs, it
isnt the black men who are getting rich off the drugs, and it sure as
hell isnt the black men who wrote the laws about drugs or enforced the laws about drugs or sat on the juries for the trials of the other black men who broke the laws on the drugs.
If we are going to hold the black community as a whole accountable for its problems, then we in the white community need to at least be
honest about the role we have played in creating
and perpetuating those problems.
---flame suit ON-------