Active thread - Zimmerman Not Guilty


Inordinately Right
Would those laws also apply to the animals that target white people
Since those "laws" are being pushed by the NAACP, I'm assuming when you say animals you mean black people.
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Strength through joy
[h=1]Black mob on rampage fractures cop's skull[/h] [h=2]Public 'has no idea' of racial hatred directed toward white officers[/h] A Chicago police officer is hospitalized in serious condition with a fractured skull, a victim of black mob violence.

The as-of-yet unidentified officer was responding to a call early Saturday morning when he found dozens of people in the street, creating mayhem. He immediately called for backup, but instead of waiting for reinforcements, went to the assistance of a woman under attack.
The mob turned on him: He was struck on the head with the bat.
“No one tried to help him or stop the attack,” said one Chicago police officer. “That happens a lot: Mob violence. No assistance. If anything, most of the people are either participating or encouraging the violence. Not trying to help.”
What the stories do not report is more important, say two Chicago police officers: The crowd was black, missing from all the news reports.

Black mob looting: 'This is the city of Detroit'
Black mobs erupt in Ivy League region
Dad: Son 'sorry' for beating white boy on bus
Man in coma after black mob of 50 pummels him

Black mob targets off-duty police
Vicious: Blacks pummel white child on bus
Even media can no longer ignore black violence
Black man in hoodie stabs white girl 11 times
Black mob leaves waiter with broken jaw
Knockout Game victim's eye kicked out of socket
Media label black-mob violence 'mischievous teens'
'Knockout Game' perp shot, killed

The pace of the Knockout Game picked up in other places with other victims. That is when Tiffany Thompson made her wish at a news site reporting the results of the latest St. Louis victim:
as a black woman i will say this, i wish they would run into the right person who is armed to defend themselves with a firearm…i bet we will see a drastic decrease in violence in our city. it is embarrassing and shameful – the image these losers portray of blacks in st louis. i do not and never will reside anywhere besides the suburbs of this city, because no one is safe among these savages. do not get angry when people call them thugs, because that is exactly what they are and no excuses can be made for this barbaric behavior! it’s disgusting!!!



Strength through joy
The officers say people who depend on local TV and newspapers are largely ignorant of the violence and racial slurs directed at white police officers on a regular basis.
“No politician in Chicago will say anything about that, other than to say the people who were fighting with baseball bats need jobs, and that is why they are violent,” said one of the officers. “That is what happened last month at the Urban Violence Summit in Chicago with members of the Congressional Black Caucus.”
The summit, broadcast nationwide on CSPAN, featured little talk about violence and lots of talk about racism and how unemployment are the real problems.
“People have no idea what is happening out there,” both cops agreed. “And how it is going from bad to worse.”


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
The summit, broadcast nationwide on CSPAN, featured little talk about violence and lots of talk about racism and how unemployment are the real problems.
“People have no idea what is happening out there,” both cops agreed. “And how it is going from bad to worse.”

Two Chicago cops? Wow!

You are a bigger fool than anyone can imagine if you don't think race and lack of 'legal' opportunities aren't the driving forces.

My last dealings with Chitown police was in the Summer of 1968. I was not overwhelmed by the 'protect and serve' part of their actions.


Strength through joy
Two Chicago cops? Wow!

You are a bigger fool than anyone can imagine if you don't think race and lack of 'legal' opportunities aren't the driving forces.

My last dealings with Chitown police was in the Summer of 1968. I was not overwhelmed by the 'protect and serve' part of their actions.

So you are going by your experiences from 45 years ago .
And what side of the police lines were you on ?


The Nim

By Florida law he's entitled to reimbursement for court fees as he was acquitted. He still has to pay his lawyer out of pocket, but court fees are another story.
I take from the article linked.

Such a request is fairly standard in the state

It's really nothing special and nothing newsworthy. It's likely the state will settle at a lesser cost and the law firm that represented Zimmerman will absorb it or charge him personally in a personal or civil manner.

At this point it's lawyers looking for money, not someone who was charged with a crime.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Who cares?

You know who cares?? All the people that understood that Zimmerman was a dirtbag with an attitude problem and a lack of respect for law and order.

Today, this scumbag is back in custody in florida after a domestic violence incident with his wife where he first pulls a knife on her, then a handgun.

George Zimmerman in Custody After Gun Incident - Yahoo!

You all came to this dirtbags defense for killing a black teenager and ignoring his past criminal record for violence and abuse just so you could justify the killing of that black teenager.

Now, he has had run ins with the law every month since he was aquitted.

Zimmerman is a violent man with a violent mindset. If he doesnt get his way he turns to violence.

Shame on you all, for reducing the value of a black teens life to protect this scumbag.

