Active thread - Zimmerman Not Guilty


Inordinately Right

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
So you still think Trayvon was a saint ?

Now why do you believe the word of his wife , she is a known liar .

Again, criminalizing the victim to protect the purpetrator.

Zimmerman punched his father in law in the nose before pulling a knife and then a gun.

Unfortunately, Mrs zimmerman is not pressing charges despite her desperate phone call to 911 saying she feared for her life.

You can still protect this dirtbag, but you are no different than he is for your support. It wont be long before he takes his violence again to a higher level. As an example, I hope he kills his wife so that action rests on all of his supporters shoulders.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
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Staff member
George's peaceful life ended the day he killed Trayvon Martin. Guilty or Not Guilty doesn't even matter. His life will never be the same.


nowhere special
Zimmerman's life is forever messed up but this looks like another one of those situations where the media jumped in before the facts were known. At first glance it looked like a case of "she said", "he said" with no clear idea of what really happened. Now it looks like the cops never found a gun on Zimmerman when responding to the call and the wife is not pressing charges. Looks more like an emotional argument that escalated and its very unclear what really happened. Zimmerman will be in the news for everything that happens to him for the rest of his life. If he commits a crime he should definitely be charged for it but the media will continue to judge him before any facts are known.


Strength through joy
Multiple media outlets are incorrectly reporting that Zimmerman and his wife has also declined to press charges.
According to police, because this is a domestic violence case, it is up to the state attorney's office to decide whether charges are warranted.
They must first find out who was the primary aggressor, if there was one at all.
Zimmerman's attorney, Mark O'Mara, said Monday's incident stemmed from the couple dividing up property.
"Silly stuff like pots and pans and dishes gets so emotionalized that it overflows and that is what really happened here," said O'Mara.
The home was previously used as a meeting place to divvy up possessions. However, O'Mara said Shellie turned up at the home Monday afternoon unannounced.
[h=1]Lake Mary Police are now calling into question several statements Shellie Zimmerman made to 911[/h]


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Thats isnt the case AT ALL. The examiner was critical of the way the police handled the case. He also has evidence showing Trayvon was NOT on top of zimmerman, but the police didnt want to hear that. He is suing the city for millions.
Trayvon Martin medical examiner claims prosecutors intentionally lost case | The Raw Story

Better read before you post.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Looks like the right wings gun hero may be in for some trouble after all even though his wife wont press charges! George zimmerman destroyed his wifes IPAD while she was recording him attacking her. The police are now examining the IPAD for video evidence that may result in serious charges being brought against him! Either way, once charged with domestic violence, his gun toting days are OVER!

Why isnt FOX news all over this story? Wheres the endless coverage of george zimmerman being the victim? Wheres the one on one interview with Sean Hannity lobbing softballs at him?

But wait, Zimmerman is telling police that HE was ATTACKED by his father in law first, then by his wife! So he is the victim AGAIN!!!

Poor George, always the victim.

Once the police examine the IPAD, the DA will be able to process charges for domestic violence even if his wife doesnt swear out a complaint. I cant wait.

In the meantime, his attorney QUIT representing him once the police told him they may have evidence against zimmerman! The story gets better and better !
Trayvon Martin medical examiner claims prosecutors intentionally lost case | The Raw Story

Zimmerman is a man with serious anger issues. If he cant have his way, he turns to violence to solve it. This is a classic gun owner mentality.




Well-Known Member
TOS- Are you sure his soon to be ex wife wasn't making up stories when she noticed her replacement and destroyed the ipad herself? Also for the record George's attorney is still representing him on the matters regarding Trayvon's justifiable demise, he just isn't representing George in this situation. As was said before though lets allow all the facts to be revealed before jumping to conclusions. I thought you would have learned that from the first time.


Samantha Scheibe: George Zimmerman's blonde 'babe' | Mail Online


Well-Known Member
series of indiscreet emails by a Florida police chief has revealed his belief that Trayvon Martin's killer George Zimmerman is a volatile character who is "a Sandy Hook waiting to happen".Steve Bracknell is the chief of the Lake Mary police department, which is investigating Zimmerman, 29, for allegedly threatening his estranged wife, Shellie, and his father-in-law with a gun on Monday.
In an email exchange with a Lake Mary resident critical of the department's initial decision not to arrest or charge Zimmerman, Bracknell appears to agree with the writer's description of Zimmerman, acquitted in July of murdering Martin, an unarmed black teenager, as "a ticking time bomb".
"Zimmerman is a Sandy Hook, Aurora waiting to happen," the resident, Santiago Rodriguez, told Bracknell in his first email, seeking an explanation for why Lake Mary officers did not charge Zimmerman.
"Your reference to Sandy Hook … I agree," Bracknell replied.
At the end of a follow-up email urging Bracknell not to "give up" on the investigation, Rodriguez wrote: "Sooner or later another mother and father is going to be on CNN lashing out against the system due to this man snapping." George Zimmerman 'a Sandy Hook waiting to happen', Florida police chief suggests | World news |


Well-Known Member
series of indiscreet emails by a Florida police chief has revealed his belief that Trayvon Martin's killer George Zimmerman is a volatile character who is "a Sandy Hook waiting to happen".Steve Bracknell is the chief of the Lake Mary police department, which is investigating Zimmerman, 29, for allegedly threatening his estranged wife, Shellie, and his father-in-law with a gun on Monday.
In an email exchange with a Lake Mary resident critical of the department's initial decision not to arrest or charge Zimmerman, Bracknell appears to agree with the writer's description of Zimmerman, acquitted in July of murdering Martin, an unarmed black teenager, as "a ticking time bomb".
"Zimmerman is a Sandy Hook, Aurora waiting to happen," the resident, Santiago Rodriguez, told Bracknell in his first email, seeking an explanation for why Lake Mary officers did not charge Zimmerman.
"Your reference to Sandy Hook … I agree," Bracknell replied.
At the end of a follow-up email urging Bracknell not to "give up" on the investigation, Rodriguez wrote: "Sooner or later another mother and father is going to be on CNN lashing out against the system due to this man snapping." George Zimmerman 'a Sandy Hook waiting to happen', Florida police chief suggests | World news |

A few points I would like to make in response to your post.

First off the whole thing about George threatening his ex wife with a gun has been completely debunked. The police searched George and found no gun, and his ex wife admitted she didn't see a gun. The only question remains is who was the aggressor, George or his ex and her father. I imagine the truth will come out of the woodwork over time.

The piece about George being involved in the next Sandy hook like tragedy is a huge stretch. I will admit George Zimmerman is far from a model citizen, and his decisions both past and present can be a bit questionable, but the facts laid out in the Trayvon Martin incident along with George's past community charity makes it hard to make the jump from poor decision maker to a person on the verge of committing a mass murder in an elementary school. The bottom line here is that there will always be people who just cannot let go of the media narrative that began this circus and will not accept the facts as they are. Some will go so far as to expect some national tragedy is in the cards for George to committ, but I just don't see it. George staying out of jail is a whole other matter, and being he is still relatively young he could do something in the future that lands him there if he hasn't already done so. I just wish people would stick to the truth on this case and not try to interject their own media formed biases as the truth when it is definitely not.


Inordinately Right
A few points I would like to make in response to your post.I just wish people would stick to the truth on this case and not try to interject their own media formed biases as the truth when it is definitely not.
Truth is people were accusing him of domestic violence long before the travyon martin case. He had domestic violence incidents with an ex fiance before he ever killed the kid. The guy has an anger problem and has no business carrying a gun. Bottom line the guy is a loser.... I wish we could all just forget about him and the rest of Florida for that matter. Except Disney World of course, space mountain is awesome.