Active thread - Zimmerman Not Guilty


Well-Known Member
His 15 minutes of fame will (thankfully) come to an end?

After the trial for the Trayvon shooting I thought the same thing but just like Miley Cyrus and Lady Gaga, Zimmerman is finding new ways to get back in the spot light. It's up in the air (pun intended) if Zimmerman's next trick is to wear a flying dress while twerking and smoking weed all at the same time of pulling a gun on someone else. Maybe he does a Blazing Saddle and pulls the gun on himself. If we're lucky, he'll pull the trigger.

Somewhere in that is a potential for a SNL skit or at least an Onion piece.


Well-Known Member
Actually none of them had a real clear view of what happened. And none of them could tell who the aggressor was.

It is kinda pointless to go over this yet again. A jury of his peers determined that he was not guilty of murdering Trayvon so that really is the end of it. If you wish to pick and choose what evidence you want to believe so be it. I am simply looking at the entire picture from every angle and every piece of evidence that made it to the public arena and I just see no way he could have been guilty of murder, or manslaughter even. Considering this is the same conclusion the jury came to I guess we know which one of us is right. ;)


Staff member
brett, Hell --let them keep speculating. Maybe some will conclude that this was just a rehearsal for the "Knockout Game"

Wouldn't surprise me if Trayvons last thought on this living Earth was "Damn, shouldn't have gone Polar bear hunting on this dude..."


nowhere special
That woman is definitely crazy. Either she lies about things to get attention, or if she really is getting abused she goes running back to Zimmerman. Either way she is unstable. George has issues also but looks like he isn't as back as first reported.