Zimmerman forced to give up firearms as condition of release. Guess what happens next.
Think about that ... concentrate on close ... think knife ... think choke!Women "foolishly" close to Zimmerman can relax?
Please it was nothing but a few scratches. I bleed like that when I cut myself shaving. His wounds were just superficial.
Zimmerman forced to give up firearms as condition of release. Guess what happens next.
His 15 minutes of fame will (thankfully) come to an end?
His 15 minutes of fame will (thankfully) come to an end?
Dude, you need to grow a beard!
If I made what UPS drivers make I could afford a good razor.
So you are expressing wishful thinking --because you should post as PPH.
Actually none of them had a real clear view of what happened. And none of them could tell who the aggressor was.
Hell --let them keep speculating.
Maybe some will conclude that this was just a rehearsal for the "Knockout Game"
brett, Hell --let them keep speculating. Maybe some will conclude that this was just a rehearsal for the "Knockout Game"
Wouldn't surprise me if Trayvons last thought on this living Earth was "Damn, shouldn't have gone Polar bear hunting on this dude..."
Classless post.
Thank you, I'll be here all week.