Active thread - Zimmerman Not Guilty


Strength through joy
Basically it's a he said / she said case .
So I'll hold off on passing any judgements until the truth can be sorted out.
Anybody know what started the argument ?


nowhere special
Basically it's a he said / she said case .
So I'll hold off on passing any judgements until the truth can be sorted out.
Anybody know what started the argument ?

Agreed, there was an argument but for now no way to tell exactly what happened. Zimmerman seems to have anger management issues but if the girlfriend was mad at him she may not be honest about what really happened.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Basically it's a he said / she said case .
So I'll hold off on passing any judgements until the truth can be sorted out.
Anybody know what started the argument ?

YEAH, Zimmerman is a violent person with guns.

You defenders of this psyco are amazing. No matter how violent this maroon gets, you still defend him. Does he really have to kill someone else before you people understand he's nothing more than a coward with a gun?



Nine Lives
YEAH, Zimmerman is a violent person with guns.

You defenders of this psyco are amazing. No matter how violent this maroon gets, you still defend him. Does he really have to kill someone else before you people understand he's nothing more than a coward with a gun?


Against my better judgment, I agree with TOS on this one.

​Hopefully there is a legal way to disarm this nut job.


Staff member
George's peaceful life ended the day he killed Trayvon Martin. Guilty or Not Guilty doesn't even matter. His life will never be the same.

Of course this saga is well known and it didn't take a genius to see this mess coming. What kind of psychological exam or conviction will be enough? Or is TOS right and somebody else will have to die at Z's hand?


nowhere special
I'm not defending Zimmerman. Just saying to wait for all of the facts to come out about what really happened. It does look like Zimmerman is an idiot but for now I have a wait and see attitude before passing judgement.


The Nim
Zimmerman appears to either be brain dead or completely lacking common sense. He knows his life is under a microscope so can't do stupid/criminal things. Its still unclear exactly what happened this time but he has to realize he will be held to a higher standard for the rest of his life.

I'm not saying this is the case, I only heard blurbs about it to and from work on the radio, but Zimmerman is known, anything that relates to him will be in at least the local news. I wouldn't put it past people to claim things like he pulled a gun on them to get their 15 minutes of fame. If he pulled such a stupid action he should suffer the consequences, but after the Zimmerman/Trayvon trial I've heard just about anything possible related to him from a speeding ticket to this one where he pointed a shotgun at someone. I won't say he didn't do them as I don't feel like really looking into it and the media hates him so it's even harder to find the truth, but it is possible that just because anything related to him will hit the news people will say anything to make it happen.


nowhere special
George Zimmerman arrested for domestic violence - Orlando Sentinel

GZ called 911 while the police were outside talking to the girlfriend .
He claims his weapons were locked inside a case and the girl has her own 2 handguns .
It is already looking like the girlfriend and earlier reports exaggerated what happened but Zimmerman still looks like an idiot. Whether he did or didn't do everything he is accused of he is a fool for letting himself get into the situation in the first place.


Staff member
Well Zimmerman's women just don't treat him right. It's all their fault.
I'd actually love to know the story about this new girlfriend. What kind of woman goes out with a guy with that kind of baggage?
She must have the same "L" on her forehead that he has.