You can do it two ways. The first is to have them sign delivery notices. I use SOF (signature on file) in the clarification because I cant remember who's signature is on the notice.
The other way is for them to write their wishes on their letterhead. You or the center keeps it on file in the office. While I keep mine here, because the center has a way of losing things, I know of several that have theirs at the center.
What it does is clear you to leave the delivery. It does not clear you of stupidity of doing things like leaving them in the rain, out at the mail box etc.
The largest customer I leave every day with a SOF is a dairy. They do not have the staff available, and when a signature is needed, they have to come down a frieght elevator and leave their position on the milk line to do so. IT has worked out well for many years and not unusual for me to leave 4 or 5 pallets on the dock. Never had any problems or any losses. But then again, it is a high security delivery.
Others that I use it for are churches, schools, small businesses etc, many of which I have the keys for. All I do is unlock the door and place the package inside door. Every time I use the SOF on a delivery notice.
Not like some other drivers that use the DR method which is wrong and causes additional charges to be placed on the package.
I actually started with delivery notices back when we had to get signatures on everything. I had a small cabinet at the house where I stored the delivery notices by street name. Each time I would catch someone at home I just had them sign one in advance so the next delivery could be left without them being home. At one time I had over 12,000 signed delivery notices. All that hard work turned usless when we started to DR packages. But for years, boy could I smoke the routes I had notices on.