Well-Known Member
Again ! : How in the heck do we get out of there ?
We could ask the Russians or the British for the map coordinates!
Or we could just Mapquest it!

Again ! : How in the heck do we get out of there ?
I am more than willing to step up. My questions were just as simple. Do you want to know what I think it takes to build a nation or defeat a government or foreign army or what. It really is not hard to comprehend my request but I know you feel you would like to just jump right in so go ahead and answer my original question for him to define his parameters if you feel he is to timid to answer on his own or something. I for one just think he has not had time to reply or lost interest.
If you want my opinion, which is worthless since I am not the commander in chief, go ahead step up. I think I made my point though that there is more to consider than just some oversimplified question.
Nice dodge back at you by the way.
If our goal is nation building, we simply had to cut down on the amount of civilian casualties we were causing, and that's impossible to do without using more restrictive ROE's that put the guys on the ground more at risk. Blaming Obama and code pink is a little over the top, my impression is that he's relying primarily on advice from Petraeus, who actually wrote the counterinsurgency manual that this guy is badmouthing. He also says that the purpose of going to war is to win, but following what seems to be a trend in this thread he fails to define what exactly we are trying to win. Personally I think nation building is a fool's errand, but no one's asking me.The rules murdering our troops
Last Updated: 2:55 AM, September 24, 2009
Posted: 12:57 AM, September 24, 2009
When enemy action kills our troops, it's unfortunate. When our own moral fecklessness murders those in uniform, it's unforgivable.
In Afghanistan, our leaders are complicit in the death of each soldier, Marine or Navy corpsman who falls because politically correct rules of engagement shield our enemies.
Mission-focused, but morally oblivious, Gen. Stan McChrystal conformed to the Obama Way of War by imposing rules of engagement that could have been concocted by Code Pink:
* Unless our troops in combat are absolutely certain that no civilians are present, they're denied artillery or air support.
* If any civilians appear where we meet the Taliban, our troops are to "break contact" -- to retreat.
These ROE are a cave-in to the Taliban's shameless propaganda campaign that claimed innocents were massacred every time our aircraft appeared overhead. (Afghan President Mohammed Karzai and our establishment media backed the terrorists.)
The Taliban's goal was to level the playing field -- to deny our troops their technological edge. Our enemies more than succeeded.
And what has our concern for the lives of Taliban sympathizers accomplished? The Taliban now make damned sure that civilians are present whenever they conduct an ambush or operation.
So they attack -- and we quit the fight, lugging our dead and wounded back to base.
We've been through this b.s. before. In Iraq, we wanted to show respect to our enemies, so the generals announced early on that we wouldn't enter mosques. The result? Hundreds of mosques became terrorist safe houses, bomb factories and weapons caches.
Why is this so hard to figure out? We tell our enemies we won't attack X. So they exploit X. Who wouldn't?
It isn't just that war is hell. It's that war must be hell, otherwise why would the enemy ever quit?
This week's rumblings from the White House suggest that we may, at last, see a revised strategy that concentrates on killing our deadliest enemies -- but I'll believe it when I see the rounds go down-range.
Meanwhile, our troops die because our leaders are moral cowards.
Over the decades, political correctness insinuated itself into the ranks of our "Washington player" generals and admirals. We now have four-stars who believe that improving our enemies' self-esteem is a crucial wartime goal.
And the Army published its disastrous Counterinsurgency Manual a few years back -- doctrine written by military intellectuals who, instead of listening to Infantry squad leaders, made a show of consulting "peace advocates" and "humanitarian workers."
The result was a manual based on a few heavily edited case studies "proving" that the key to success in fighting terrorists is to hand out soccer balls to worm-eaten children. The doctrine ignored the brutal lessons of 3,000 years of history -- because history isn't politically correct (it shows, relentlessly, that the only effective way to fight faith-fueled insurgents is with fire and sword).
The New York Times lavished praise on the manual. What does that tell you?
A few senior officers continue to push me to "lay off" the Counterinsurgency Manual. Sorry, but I'm more concerned about supporting the youngest private on patrol than I am with the reputation of any general.
As a real general put it a century ago, "The purpose of an Army is to fight." And the purpose of going to war is to win (that dirty word). It's not to sacrifice our own troops to make sad-sack do-gooders back home feel good.
We need to recognize that true morality lies in backing our troops, not in letting them die for whacko theories.
The next time you read about the death of a soldier or Marine in Afghanistan, don't just blame the Taliban. Blame the generals and politicians who sent them to war, then took away their weapons.
I saw a poll, which said that most Americans are against a build up of troops. If this administration is for ending the Afghan war, then lets bring the solders back. It's crystal clear, Obama and Congress believe we can talk our way or give a speech our way out of turmoil.
Perhaps, now I'm just saying perhaps we can have the president take an IPOD of Obama's favorite songs and give it to the insurgents. Maybe we can have a concert with Kanye West, along with left-wing artist and Hollywood actors, hold hands and make this go away.
If you are perceived as weak, people will not take you seriously.
Athletes that get into trouble point to the crowd that was around them as the problem. This is what I, believe is the problem with President Obama. He needs to rid himself of those are currently giving him very bad advice on domestic and foreign affairs
So AV8, answer the question, youve been put in charge, you are the "pretend" commander in chief, HOW DO WE GET OUT OF THERE?
Now wait a minute! True you aren't the scumbag-n.....I mean commander-n-chief but you are running for Congress, got elected and was a political sensation so let's think positive (maybe for you) and pretend you got elected to top dog and you now run the show. From my POV we already defeated the gov't in power that caused our being over there and thus it's army (that may be a subjective observation even before 9/11) so now let's say for the sake of discussion, we are in the Nationbuilding phase (I do believe that to be the case anyway) so as top taxeater-n-charge, what do you need to be successful in your policy and operations in Afghanistan?
And to be fair, if you believe we are still at war fighting a gov't and it's army, same question, what do you need and what should we be doing?
Looking forward to reading your thoughts either way!
I do not think we are still at war fighting a government and it's army.
If I woke up and found myself in the position of President. Well I do not want to nation build but I do recognize that we have a responsibility to Afghanistan since we invaded them and this goes for all those that aided us in the invasion as they share in this responsibility.
First and most importantly is to help protect the civilian population. In a very public way I would fire my secretary of state. She promised she could, just based on her name and things she had done in the past, cause other people to be nice. Since other countries are still importing weapons into Afghanistan she had her chance and is now terminated. We need the state department to work with other nations to help stop this flow of weapons. We also need the state department to help advise the new government on things like setting up a legal system so I would also terminate all those employees that have refused to go when it was their turn. They would need aid in building power plants, water plants, and roads all of which take time and we are currently doing. I would try and find a way to help them develop a trade other than the drug trade.
Now we have to train an army and focus on keeping the major centers of populations as safe as possible until we can "turn" over their security to local police. I would have to draw on my experience in Iraq since this is all I have to go on. In the meantime you can constantly push out to new areas with your freshly trained military. I would avoid the take and hold principal since I do not want any permanent bases in this country and this is difficult terrain to reinforce.
We must maintain air dominance. Any sign of air defense by the enemy must be dealt with.
There are some electronic warfare measures that I would continue that I will not discuss.
There are some SOF measures that I would continue that I will not discuss.
I would maintain a degree of flexibility and not commit to any type of false public time line. These types of things take time. I believe a withdrawal can eventually happen. I also believe we can do it in a way that would not sacrifice the people of Afghanistan.
No goal can possibly be to eliminate all taliban but there had to be a response for the attacks on our Country.
Most of this is nothing new aside from my desire to not maintain any permanent base or escalate the violence.
Oh if you read the other thread about running for public you know I cannot the Repubs will not allow it and you have to have their permission to get on the ballot.
Thanks for the response and sharing your thoughts!
If you woke up in the morning and were President what would you do?
Abolish the Constitution and send everyone in Washington home.
As one might say, I'd impeach myself and everyone else with me!
As for Afghanistan, I do believe it's a resource war (just as Iraq was and just as our 1990's Balkans adventures were) and I'd expose that fact to all. And I'd expose ALL the players as I also think some of the opposing players might not be true to their cause either.
I'd end our presense there and in Iraq and obviously to explain all of that would take a lot of time and space here and if you've read my posts over a wide variety of subjects and especially the links, it's obvious just pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan would mean nothing if that was all you did. Both are purely effects and I'd be more interested in root causes. Thus my first paragraph as in removing all power and means of power from those who use it for their own self interests and that self interest is a very wide net for sure.
Our sitting President spoke of change and the need for transparency and I couldn't agree more. I'd bring so much transparency to gov't that you could count the hairs between Uncle Sam's legs. Unlike the democrat and republican parties, I don't believe in noble lies!
There is a country on earth with no government.
It's called Somalia !
I'd end our presense there
What I thought but how? Would you try to keep our men and women as safe as possible while doing that? Do you land 1000 aircraft at once and board in mass? Would you have any regard for the safety of the people of Afghanistan?
I found it ironic you wanted to extend infrastructure and other support welfare (jobs program) for Afghanistan (I oppose obviously) while opposing the likes of such or anything remote to it here at home. Interesting and telling all at the same time!
I feel we are bound by law. So yes it should be telling.
What if Pakistan says no to you or President Obama would you invade them anyway? Where do you plan to fly those drones from?
I have an honest curiosity since I have many libertarian friends and they sort of share your position in a way and obviously I part ways with them but they just get angry and never explain their position. I can understand how they can say they would have never gone to Afghanistan but that does not change the fact that we are there. Anyhow not trying to attack your opinion just trying to understand it.
You wanna stay, I wanna go.
, I'd first withdraw all operations into Pakaistan and !