The question was really simple, he wants YOUR idea of winning. Nothing hard to comprehend in his request.
Nice dodge though.
Now step up.
The question was very simple I wanted your idea of winning yet still no answer. Why is that? Could you not find a slogan to fit? You demanded something from me on the behalf of someone else yet you refuse to answer a simple question. For the life of me I cannot understand why one would do that.
I thought maybe you would take the easy out and copy Obama when he said this.
“I want the American people to understand that we have a clear and focused goal to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat Al Qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan and to prevent their return to either country in the future,”
You could have said winning would be to "deny Al Qaeda the safe haven to organize and train".
Your lack of any type of answer could be seen as a clear indication of the lack of any type of ability to think on your own. Was that possibly a question you had not seen on any of your radical left wing blogs? Is winning a word not taught in public schools anymore?
You could have copied the dictionary entry.
"to make friendly or favorable to oneself or to one's cause"
Yet nothing when it was clearly an important enough question for you to jump in.
I made my position very clear already. I guess you need a reminder. I personally dont believe there is a way to WIN in Afghanistan.
You asked me what I would do to win. A complicated question. I asked you to define win. A simple question. You refuse to answer. You must not know.
I did not ask you your position. I do not care. I did not ask you thought it were possible to win as you probably could guess I do not care. It is mainly because you cannot even define what you see our nations goals as or what it would even mean to win.
You asked me what I would do to win. A complicated question. I asked you to define win. A simple question. You refuse to answer. You must not know.
I did not ask you your position. I do not care. I did not ask you thought it were possible to win as you probably could guess I do not care. It is mainly because you cannot even define what you see our nations goals as or what it would even mean to win.
I am having trouble understanding your logic. I am clearly saying there is NO "winning" Afghanistan.
There is no way to define what a "win" is.
There is NO military solution, there is NO political solution, there is NO logistical solution, there is NO religious solution.
Today, the Afghanistan war is purely a Political football. On the left, they want to exit the war as quickly as possible without the political fallout seeing NO light at the end of the tunnel.
On the right, they dont care about victory or the safety of our troops, they are more concerned with the political leverage they can gain making a case for failure in Afghanistan. NOT ONE republican has layed out an outline for victory in Afghanistan.
They provide the same ole same ole, more troops, more troops..blah blah blah... just like in vietnam, the same cry for more troops was given for a dozen years until it was realized that the cost of the vietnam war was going to ruin the United States infrastructure.
Unfortunately, it did anyway. The years following the war in vietnam wiped out the economy for years.
Today, Afghanistan will do the same. spending endless dollars playing politics instead of tacklng the real problems in the middle east will hurt our economy for years to come.
The problem in Afghanistan goes beyond its borders and to merely lay troops on the ground will not accomplish a thing.
All the controversy from the right has to do with 2010 elections and nothing more. If they can make Afghanistan fail by putting more troops on the ground and increasing american deaths, in 2010 they can claim the President failed to manage the war.
The problem is, that the majority of americans understand BUSH failed in Afghanistan and put us where we are.
So AV8, make sure you read this sentence clearly: THERE IS NO WINNING IN AFGHANISTAN.
Until this country is ready to take on IRAN, RUSSIA, CHINA, PAKISTAN, SOMALIA, YEMEN, SAUDI ARABIA and all the smaller muslim countries connected to Afghanistan, then this war is a waste of time.
Make no mistake AV8, this war cannot be "won".
One thing you keep forgetting.
It;s not just the USA in Afghanistan !
It's a UN and Nato mission.
You can't put this to any president !
Iraq yes, but not Afghanistan.
I do realize you have now more troops then any other country, but it still is not an only American issue.
So AV8, make sure you read this sentence clearly: THERE IS NO WINNING IN AFGHANISTAN.
Make sure you read this sentence carefully. I do not care if you think we can win in Afghanistan or not as I never asked you if you thought we could win or not.
You cannot even define what it would take to win so of course you do not think a win is possible.
Obama on the other hand said he had a plan during his campaign for Afghanistan. Here we are ten months into his presidency and he has time for golf, date night, and to jet set around the world to glad hand Olympic officials but yet not time to implement his plan. This fool is a poor leader. This maroon is out living it up on the town while our military members die on the battlefield awaiting his "plan". This idiot is a bad joke. This fool is probably trying himself to look up what it means to win.
WOW! I never knew that one day the UN and NATO on a whim decided, "let's go friend' UP Afghanistan and the Taliban just for fun. I'm bored so it'll be something to do!"
Good thing we have such smart people here so I don't get off the wrong track!
Not once did you pipe off about BUSH sitting on his rear while soldiers died, but you will for OBAMA? Get serious.
You sir, are a hypocrite.
ad hominem attacks against the President of the United States reveal more about the attackers than the man they are attacking.
Relax sweetie those are the exact things that were said on here about President Bush.
Face it former Yugoslavia was easier to win, and is now actually a safer place to live then America.
Thats why civilians govern the military.