Well-Known Member
It's actually not even a war, it's more about stabilization.
But, my fear is, that any minute soon, Pakistan might ask for help.
And, ofcourse, if that is the case, Nato won't deny thier request.
So, be prepared for more to come, yet !
It's pure nationbuilding for the purpose of controlling resource access to the Caspain basin!
Consider Cheney's words I posted in the "Peak Oil" thread just for starters! Also put aside your fear and go to Google video and type in "Al Qaeda Doesn't Exist (Documentary) and at least watch parts 2 and 3 in relation to Russia, muslim extremists in the region and oil. Once you understand the late 70's and 80's construct, it's clear what was in play in the Balkans in the 90's (oil and oil pipeline lanes from the Black Sea) and is now in play in the Middle East. Bush and Company jettison'd the Al Qaeda/bin Laden construct in 2006' per Cheney (watch above video to see him speak it in his own words) as it's useful purpose had run out. Also once we got Iraq, Afghanistan fell off the map and we were told Al Qaeda was in fact in Iraq which also proved to be an overblown lie just like the WMD myth.
Now we learn Karzai's brother is a CIA asset!
Obama I'm sad to say is controlled by the Clinton machine but if he'd bring all the troops home and then start downsizing our global footprint, I'd be the first one to cheer for him. I'm not holding my breathe because of the Clinton machine which is just as neocon as the last bunch were IMO!