Ok, instead of Bush, it's all the 2006' Democrat controlled congress fault. And although they did approve funds for the surge, They've been Tie's favorite excuse for everything that went wrong for the last eight years.
Tsk Tsk you and your liberal friends keep blaming bush for every problem in the world. Is it dishonest of me to remind everyone that the present congress was there helping the world crash and burn. Is dishonest of me to remind everyone that Obama, pelosi, Reed and rest were there and did not ride up from the countryside in January?
Considering the fact that Bush is no longer here to be blamed and the economy still stinks its possible that the band of thieves presently in power were actually the cause and not bush.
What about brand new pink eraser Tie, so GW sympathizers can erase history.
Or maybe we can wait for his prime time address to the American people, listen to the new strategy, and then make armchair quarterback judgements. I mean really, you'all sound like disgruntled Cheney puppets

<---Cheney <whispering to his puppets>"Say dithering"... Yeah, new word of the month.