Ahmed, The Terrorist


swollen member
Oh. Funny how you immediately went that direction. Of course, ready access to guns by someone who was clearly a long-term mental case wasn't a factor. I'm guessing somewhere along the line there was someone at the range who saw Adam Lanza and thought to themselves. "Gee, this effwad psycho shouldn't be anywhere near a gun". Nah, he's got a right to use them regardless.

So his Mom was the issue to have the firearms in the house... can't charge her


Engorged Member
So his Mom was the issue to have the firearms in the house... can't charge her

Correct. Mom bought the guns, but don't you think someone along the line noticed Adam wasn't quite right? From the accounts I have read, it would have been obvious to almost anyone that Lanza was a mental case. I'm assuming Mom took Psycho Boy to the range to shoot. Did anyone maybe say that this freak shouldn't be anywhere near even a rubber gun?



swollen member
Correct. Mom bought the guns, but don't you think someone along the line noticed Adam wasn't quite right? From the accounts I have read, it would have been obvious to almost anyone that Lanza was a mental case. I'm assuming Mom took Psycho Boy to the range to shoot. Did anyone maybe say that this freak shouldn't be anywhere near even a rubber gun?

But, Mom knew he WAS a mental case and had firearms already... she should be at fault.... All responsible gun owners should know that.... I've even had to break up with Chicks because they had an friend on their report card


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I bet many of them probably want tougher gun control too.
I bet if they could go back in time to the morning of the massacre and agree to equip the principal at Sandy Hook a with a 12-gauge shotgun instead of a book to throw at Lanza, they would jump at the opportunity. Sandy Hook parents have a unique and tragic perspective on the absolute stupidity and uselessness of the "gun free zone."


Inordinately Right
I bet if they could go back in time to the morning of the massacre and agree to equip the principal at Sandy Hook a with a 12-gauge shotgun instead of a book to throw at Lanza, they would jump at the opportunity. Sandy Hook parents have a unique and tragic perspective on the absolute stupidity and uselessness of the "gun free zone."
The premise posited by 10point and you, was that people who have family victimized by these types of crimes would think the police state of our schools is justified. I was simply pointing out that people who experience this kind of tragedy don't always think rationally.

Some would propose more gun control, some might propose more armed teachers. Just because they were directly related to the events doesn't make their positions rational, often the opposite is the case.

The fact is we spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on preparing for extremely rare events like school shootings, but completely overlook much more common tragedies because they are less sensational.

You say Sandy Hook parents have a 'unique and tragic perspective on the absolute stupidity and uselessness of gun free zones". What about the ones who want more gun control? Are they stupid? Is the opinion they form because of their loss not also valid? Maybe, just like the ones who want more guns in schools, they are also clouded by their emotions....

Sometimes there isn't a good solution, bad things happen, deal with it.
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Strength through joy
No guns are allowed at the Washington State Fair, as the rules for the fair make clear. Uncoincidentally,

Robbery victim Leif Strom was walking in the 1000 block of 7th Avenue Southeast when he got held up. He and another worker at the State Fair were heading east toward home when confronted by four [black] men in a white Buick. …

Strom had just finished a 10-hour shift selling items at the fair and had been paid $100 in cash. …

Strom said the robber was only 5’8″ tall. Strom stand 6’6″ tall. Strom said the man’s gun made up for the size difference.

“I guess you feel pretty big when you have a gun,” he said.

Just 8 minutes later and a mile away on the complete other side of the fair grounds, two more pairs of State Fair workers were robbed at gunpoint. Police believe they were targeted by the same group of robbers.

According to the research done by Gary Kleck, armed resistance with a gun is less likely to result in injury to the victim than compliance, but unarmed resistance is more likely to result in the victim being injured.
In Point Blank: Guns and Violence in America, the standard reference for criminological study on gun control, Table 4.4, resistance with a gun resulted in 17.4 percent injured. No self protection (compliance) resulted in 24.7 percent being injured. Physical resistance without a weapon resulted in 50.8 percent being injured.


Inordinately Right

10 point

Well-Known Member
I bet if they could go back in time to the morning of the massacre and agree to equip the principal at Sandy Hook a with a 12-gauge shotgun instead of a book to throw at Lanza, they would jump at the opportunity. Sandy Hook parents have a unique and tragic perspective on the absolute stupidity and uselessness of the "gun free zone."
And driveIn&out has logic that says wait until your house burns down (very rare occurance) and then go buy smoke alarms and fire extinguishers.

Great plan.
Don't be emotional in your planning or you'll get labeled a "fear monger".
Or worse.. Victim.


Strength through joy
Seems rather strange that they only narrative of this story is coming from the parents of Ahmed who have not signed the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, either for the boy or his older sister.
The school has sent a copy of the document to the parents, but they won’t sign it, she told Breitbart. “I wish we could…. provide more information to the media,” said Weaver, whose school district and local police force are now facing worldwide claims that they unfairly targeted the boy because of his Islamic background.
Also the police dept is refusing to release their records of this incident since CAIR has said that they are preparing a lawsuit against the department .
What has come to light is that Ahmed showed his " invention " to six teachers before someone became alarmed .

10 point

Well-Known Member
Home fires are not a rare occurrence. School shootings are.
You're 0 for 3.
Deaths are deaths. When you can prevent them you give it your best effort.

Why you don't want to see added security to protect children at schools is beyond common sense caring and as for 0 for 3, that's your opinion for what it's worth.


Well-Known Member
Deaths are deaths. When you can prevent them you give it your best effort.

Why you don't want to see added security to protect children at schools is beyond common sense caring and as for 0 for 3, that's your opinion for what it's worth.

All of our local schools have upgraded their security. I now have to pass through a series of locked doors to get to the office. Ironically there are days when the students, who are the ones these measures were supposed to protect, will hold the doors open for me.