Ahmed, The Terrorist


Well-Known Member
From anecdotal evidence, it would seem that Catholic religious orders are very violence prone group. Terrorists, one could say.

Good point.

My TV wasn't on when the news broadcast about the Catholics flying planes into buildings, beheading people, burning people alive, drowning people and other actions came on.

I must have missed it.


Engorged Member
That's my point, the calls for more gun control after shootings is just as ridiculous as the calls for more armed teachers. That's not having it both ways, it's not having it either way.

Armed teachers. Right. What happens when the psycho kid in class grabs the teacher's gun? Of course, there is no problem with a gun in the classroom anyway. The NRA would love it if Firearms Training were a required class. More guns would get sold that way.


Well-Known Member
Muslims have clean and unclean hands. One for eating and the other for wiping.
Smart thing to do when you may not have easy access to soap and water.

Sharia has many benefits, one of which is that it lays out all rules for living, from hygiene to money lending. It is simple and complete, which is why it appeals to many. There is never a middle ground.


Well-Known Member
Smart thing to do when you may not have easy access to soap and water.

Sharia has many benefits, one of which is that it lays out all rules for living, from hygiene to money lending. It is simple and complete, which is why it appeals to many. There is never a middle ground.

So much of Sharia law in regards to hygiene to money lending mirrors Old Testament law. If you want to see early tribal Old Testament life, just look at Wahhabist islam.

The same OT figures venerated in the bible are also venerated in islam.


golden ticket member
Why not bring up the 'so called' good parts ??? These are part of the B.S. sharia laws...

Laws and practices under Sharia[change | change source]
Marriage[change | change source]
  • A Muslim man can marry only a Muslim, Christian or Jewish woman. He cannot marry an atheist, agnostic or polytheist.[1]
  • A Muslim woman can marry only a Muslim man. She cannot marry a Christian, Jew, atheist, agnostic or polytheist.[2]
  • The minimum age of marriage for females is nine, for males is twelve.[3][4]
  • A Muslim minor girl's father or guardian may arrange the marriage of a girl, without her consent, before she reaches adulthood.[5]
  • An adult man cannot marry an adult woman without her consent. An adult woman requires her wali's - father or male guardian - consent to marry, in following schools of sharia: Maliki, Shafi'i, Hanbali and Jafari.[5]
  • A marriage is a contract that requires the man to pay, or promise to pay some Mahr (property as brideprice) to the woman. The married woman owns this property.[6][7]
  • A man can divorce his wife any time he wants, without reason. A woman cannot divorce her husband without reason. She may file for divorce for reason, such as he is impotent, missing or biologically related to her.

10 point

Well-Known Member
Good point.

My TV wasn't on when the news broadcast about the Catholics flying planes into buildings, beheading people, burning people alive, drowning people and other actions came on.

I must have missed it.
Did you also miss the gay folks learning to fly when thrown off multiple storied buildings by, uh, Catholics?


Inordinately Right
Why not bring up the 'so called' good parts ??? These are part of the B.S. sharia laws...

Laws and practices under Sharia[change | change source]
Marriage[change | change source]
  • A Muslim man can marry only a Muslim, Christian or Jewish woman. He cannot marry an atheist, agnostic or polytheist.[1]
  • A Muslim woman can marry only a Muslim man. She cannot marry a Christian, Jew, atheist, agnostic or polytheist.[2]
  • The minimum age of marriage for females is nine, for males is twelve.[3][4]
  • A Muslim minor girl's father or guardian may arrange the marriage of a girl, without her consent, before she reaches adulthood.[5]
  • An adult man cannot marry an adult woman without her consent. An adult woman requires her wali's - father or male guardian - consent to marry, in following schools of sharia: Maliki, Shafi'i, Hanbali and Jafari.[5]
  • A marriage is a contract that requires the man to pay, or promise to pay some Mahr (property as brideprice) to the woman. The married woman owns this property.[6][7]
  • A man can divorce his wife any time he wants, without reason. A woman cannot divorce her husband without reason. She may file for divorce for reason, such as he is impotent, missing or biologically related to her.
Seems to have a lot in common with Jewish law.


Well-Known Member
Seems to have a lot in common with Jewish law.

If one reads the OT Bible you will in fact find much of this and more. In some cases it's almost word for word. In an area not much bigger than the Mason Dixon to the gulf, Atlantic to the Mississippi River, the people in this region of the Middle East who crafted both faiths are far more joined at the hip than we want to admit.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Armed teachers. Right. What happens when the psycho kid in class grabs the teacher's gun? Of course, there is no problem with a gun in the classroom anyway. The NRA would love it if Firearms Training were a required class. More guns would get sold that way.
Typical ignorant, fear-based liberal response. That's OK, I will address your concerns anyway.

1. Kids wont grab a gun that they cant see. There are any number of concealed retention holsters on the market that will prevent this from occurring. Or the gun could be stored in a lock box, only to be accessed by certified staff who knew the code.

2. There already are guns in classrooms. The problem is that the people bringing them to the classrooms are murderers. Murderers prefer unarmed helpless victims. And murderers ignore "gun free zone" signs.

3. The NRA was a safety and marksmanship organization long before it got involved in political lobbying, and it has been teaching kids the fundamentals of gun safety for many decades. We teach our children age-appropriate sex education in schools, with the standard liberal justification being that "ignorance never kept anyone safe." I fully agree with that philosophy, both for sex and for guns. Or would you prefer that our children continue learning about guns from violent movies and TV and video games instead?


Pees in the brown Koolaid
If you don't recognize the enemy, you will never defeat him. Barack hasn't learned that yet either!
Is Turkey our enemy? How about Indonesia, or Jordan? What about the Kurds? Those are all Muslim countries or groups that happen to be stable, secular and modern. They have been fighting ISIS and radical extremists for longer than we have.