Air driver /clerk


Well-Known Member
Demand your 8 hrs and only work your bid. If that's 8 hrs of clerking, so be it. I don't think they can make you do other work inside the bldg on a regular basis.

Peppermint Patty

Cardboard Pusher
I don't think they could cut air drivers in our building we cover alot of areas and have trouble making commits. Still scary thinking you may no longer have a driving job.


Well-Known Member
That is crazy. We don't get paid by the piece. We get paid by the hour. Sounds like a Center manager wants to bury the problem before his bosses find out what he has been doing.
Yeah it has been happening awhile my center manager said it was his boss that wanted no air drivers ? I don't understand why they would have air drivers doing nite pick ups ?