Alison vs Mitch


Well-Known Member
BUSH in that speech/qoute/meme, was Talking DIRECTLY about Al Qaeda and NOT terrorists. That's an exaggeration made by the right wing and the talking heads on fox news.

His comments are memorialized very distinctly. Right wing sources are extrapolating what they want out of the quote, then changing the intention for people like you who refuse to learn what is really going on.

It really burns you to know how accurate George Bush's prediction was on what would happen if we pulled all of our troops from the then stabilized country of Iraq. You can deny that Bush meant the words he spoke or that only terrorists under a certain banner were relevant to his remarks but other posters on here can read it and conclude for themselves that you are in bitter denial & full of crap.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Spoken like you have been in a closet all your life and only came out to watch one segment of fox news.

ISIS, is killing NON SUNNI's.

They are killing SHIA's, who are also muslims. They are killing those who are not SUNNI in the areas.

BUSH in that speech/qoute/meme, was Talking DIRECTLY about Al Qaeda and NOT terrorists. That's an exaggeration made by the right wing and the talking heads on fox news.

His comments are memorialized very distinctly. Right wing sources are extrapolating what they want out of the quote, then changing the intention for people like you who refuse to learn what is really going on.

Unfortunately, stuff like that works on people.

I dont understand what is so hard about understanding what is really going on in IRAQ? What are you afraid of learning?

Is it that all the stuff you say would look foolish, if you had to agree?

You just warp history to fit your slanted point of view. It must be great never to have to admit you are always wrong.


Well-Known Member
Spoken like you have been in a closet all your life and only came out to watch one segment of fox news.


When all else fails, blame FOX. Lol, I bet you're one of those non-Fox viewers that still believes Michael Brown was just an innocent, gentle natured teen that was shot with his hands up while walking to grandmas house. I bring that up because it is a prime example of the left wing media creating a narrative to benefit a leftist agenda. Didn't have quite the voter turnout affect they were hoping for, dang the Fox News.
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nowhere special
When all else fails, blame FOX. Lol, I bet your one of those non-Fox viewers that still believes Michael Brown was just an innocent, gentle natured teen that was shot with his hands up while walking to grandmas house. I bring that up because it is a prime example of the left wing media creating a narrative to benefit a leftist agenda. Didn't have quite the voter turnout affect they were hoping for, dang the Fox News.

You are wrong there. TOS is one of the most loyal viewers FOX has. He is always able to quote everything said there and inform everyone else. You are correct about him believing Brown was just a sweet innocent gentle giant peacefully walking home from church to help his sick grandmother though.


Well-Known Member
For all you Obamacare clingers, here is the third video to surface of the architect of Obamacare explaining how Democrat voters are too stupid to know they were being lied to about the law. Too stupid to understand that when the provider of health insurance is taxed, that cost is passed along to the consumer in the price of the product and is essentially the same thing. Are any of you liberals ready to admit that you were lied to?

Jonathan Gruber brags about the "basic exploitati…:


Well-Known Member
This is what the Democrat party elites think of their own low-information voter base.


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Ron Carey lives on

Well-Known Member
Finally you admitted to being to consumed by a news station, not a single original idea or alternative. So to you the Joe McCarthy of brown cafe, now im done

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Well-Known Member
Finally you admitted to being to consumed by a news station, not a single original idea or alternative. So to you the Joe McCarthy of brown cafe, now im done

Sent using BrownCafe App
Jonathan Gruber helped to create the Obamacare lies. FOX didn't just make it up. Lol, Now the rest of the media is being dragged into acknowledging the videos & the administration's roll in purposefully deceiving people about the new healthcare law & by "people" they mean idiots like you & other democrat voters. The TEA party & many conservatives have been calling out these lies for years.

Bottom rung

Well-Known Member
"Right to work for less", how clever. Maybe you can back up your bumper sticker intellect with an example of someone that actually took a pay cut after RTW passed in their state.
In my former full time job when I was a part timer... the company I worked for paid less for the same position in rtw states with higher cost of living than where I live. Rtwfl hasn't passed in my state but since it has in other states it keeps the wage range of my old position low.

By the way, I don't associate with the parties you call democrat and republican. Hopefully someday you'll realize that they're on the same side. Neither of them give a damn about the people.


Well-Known Member
In my former full time job when I was a part timer... the company I worked for paid less for the same position in rtw states with higher cost of living than where I live. Rtwfl hasn't passed in my state but since it has in other states it keeps the wage range of my old position low.

By the way, I don't associate with the parties you call democrat and republican. Hopefully someday you'll realize that they're on the same side. Neither of them give a damn about the people.
Can you give us details? I'm genuinely curious. I'm betting a lower wage for the same job has more to do with the states economy & job availability but would like to know more.


Well-Known Member
Those of you that care enough to stay informed have already seen the videos of Jonathan Gruber bragging about how the ACA was built on lies & designed to fool the "stupid" voters. Here's the video of Obama admitting that he "stole" his ideas for creating the law from Jonathan Gruber. Enjoy.
Obama: I Have Stolen Ideas from Jon Gruber Libera…:


Well-Known Member
Apparently we will be able to add Obamas executive amnesty for illegals to his growing list of bad decisions. Flooding the workforce with millions of low wage workers does nothing to help working Americans and if you are a union labor, carpenter, construction worker etc. you know first hand what this means to your future job stability and wages.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Apparently we will be able to add Obamas executive amnesty for illegals to his growing list of bad decisions. Flooding the workforce with millions of low wage workers does nothing to help working Americans and if you are a union labor, carpenter, construction worker etc. you know first hand what this means to your future job stability and wages.

Psst, they are already here brother. They already have the jobs the republicans "WANT" them to have. They are doing jobs YOU and YOUR children wont do.

Get over it.

Reagan did the same thing.



nowhere special
No Reagan didn't. Reagan never used executive amnesty. All he did was legally sign a bill passed by Congress into law. Congress had promised to secure the borders as a condition of that amnesty but never delivered on their promise.