They recently put a bid up in my hub for a lot of feeder spots. A bunch of guys in my center and other few centers in my hub with less seniority than me took the spots. I'm good friends with quite a few of them and had regrets that I didnt take the offer too. After talking to them many times since they have been in feeders, 85% are back in package. They have cut feeder routes in my hub. I have taken a few things in my talks with them that make me happy I did not bid.
Working nights sucks very bad for most humans. Your carcadian rythems do not support a feeder schedule. You will be tired all the time. You cannot truelly enjoy your weekend as you have to maintain some type of sleep schedule if you are covering nights which 90% of feeder runs are.
You will work 60 hours a week during peak. IMHO that is insane, I don't care how easy of a job it is
If you like package as do I because time flys, prepare to be bored as hell.
You will he doing cpu routes which in my hub mostly consists of delivering 400 packages to malls, with no circulation in the back of the trailor. It's only till 2/3 till u start pu/swap trailors.
If you are like me and love social interaction with customer, that will also be gone.
I'm estatic I stayed in package. Feeder life is not for me. My time off is my time off, I want to be able to get tore up drunk, go out of town on weekends and not wait by the phone for the next 5-10 years. I have no kids and enjoy spending evenings with my wife, weather it be sitting at home watching a movie, or going out for dinner. Its not for everybody and it bothers me that feeder guys think they have the best job at ups. To most it seems like the best. I would prefer a nice high mile resi route all day. To top all this off, I'm in the best shape of my life in package. If you take care of your body, follow methods ect you will retire in great shape. Many of these old timers who say otherwise have driven trucks with no power steering, high steps, and come from a day where safety and methods were an after though.
Also, I hAve previously experience with big equipment as I have trained for diesel mechanics, and moved equipment around the shop. No I wasn't driving with a 53 behind me, but everything is learnable. Being scared of the equipment is not a reaoson for me.
Most people who went to feeders love, some pass up ebery route they can and stay in package. If u like to have it easy, don't mind nights and possible weekend, don't mind no summers off, and can deal with being at the bottom u can cope. i plan to retire very young, 40/45. No kids helps my plans big. I'm not willing to end up back at the bottom after 10 years driving package and finally getting a pretty sweet bid route. I actually love my job the 8 months my area has great weather. I can't think of a better job in the world when the weather is nice and you have a fair amount of work in your bid route.