Am I stupid for turning down a bid into feeders?


Lunch is the best part of the day
You are right I don't understand or get the life but neither do the guys sleeping on the floor of their cab to not get caught. If nothing to hide those puss cakes should pull right into the few feeder spots in front or the feede office and just knock out in the driver seat. If I planned on staying till 55 there would have been more pros than cons for me to consider when I made my decision to turn it down. Lots of our feeder guys are old and have gravy routes, 4x10s or one of the very few early morn day runs. Why retire right?
you mean sleeping across the seats? they are not hiding from anyone. they find a quiet place and catch some zzz. That dead time is built into the run. I was on a run last week that had over an hour of scheduled central sort time. That cs time is siesta time.

Rain Shield

Well-Known Member
Feeder is a different company. Your worst day in feeder is better than your best day in package. As for sleeping, I guess you do not know what an IVIS is.

I love when I hear that feeder guys never see their family. Sure is weird how the feeder guy with a 9:00 pm start is passing multiple package car drivers leaving for the day as he is headed in.

We have feeder start times just about every hour of the day. Believe me, a 9:00 pm feeder start time sees his family much more than anyone in package.


You smell that?
Not seeing my family was a concern when I started feeders...I see 'em more in feeders than I do in package and more importantly when I see them I'm not beaten down like I was in package.

My wife hates it when I have to go back to package from time to time..she says I'm much easier to get along with when I'm in feeders and she's right.

I too thought I really enjoyed wasn't until I started feeders that I realized how miserable it really was.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
99% of the people in my building will never have the opportunity to go into Feeders anyway so I don't know why I even bother with this topic. LOL. Damn our local sucks.


Well-Known Member
I got into feeders after 14 years of packages and haven't regretted once..Saw my kids in all of their school activities. Feeders isn't for everyone and if your not ready your not ready. I think you have to be ready and want to go to feeders to make it work for you and your family. I enjoy going to work every night and it doesn't feel like work, believe or not. Good luck.


Pineapple King
I guess the p/t sup that has to put on a vest and walk around and bang on the door to tell me the load is sealed and ready isn't a snitch.


Well-Known Member
you guys who are calling sleeping in the cab stealing time are way off. if they dispatch you to a door and the load is not ready for 45 minutes, guess what I may nod off. I did a run that pulled air trailers for the preload, as soon as a hooked up to the trailer I was out, we were always their before the planes laned. P.S. the other 8 drivers were napping.


Well-Known Troll
If a district manager or wanna be tough guy sup catches u in the yard on the clock sleeping in the cab its not a good look. The feeder sups in my hub are cool and know what goes on, but during peak when a few peope are at work "on call" on the clock waiting for an extra load they should be in the feeder office or close enough to check back every few min. People have been fired for less. It wouldn't stick but I hope u can catch my drift. Tons of our senior feeder guys are snitches and cry baby's, always complain when a rookie gets a new freder, or is slacking. Bunch of haters so from what I hear In my hub u gotta watch for them because they will cry and snitch.

You know not of what you speak. Once a week I go up to a hub, drop their inbound load and wait for my outbound. I'm usually there for right around an hour. Why not sleep and be less tired for the next leg? I couldn't care less who sees me sleeping. What else do you want me to do while I wait? Go socialize with dispatch? They have other stuff to worry about.


Staff member
I have taken a few things in my talks with them that make me happy I did not bid.

Working nights sucks very bad for most humans. Your carcadian rythems do not support a feeder schedule. You will be tired all the time. You cannot truelly enjoy your weekend as you have to maintain some type of sleep schedule if you are covering nights which 90% of feeder runs are.

You will work 60 hours a week during peak. IMHO that is insane, I don't care how easy of a job it is

If you like package as do I because time flys, prepare to be bored as hell.

You will he doing cpu routes which in my hub mostly consists of delivering 400 packages to malls, with no circulation in the back of the trailor. It's only till 2/3 till u start pu/swap trailors.

If you are like me and love social interaction with customer, that will also be gone.

I'm estatic I stayed in package. Feeder life is not for me.
It sounds like the lower seniority guys tried to scare you off from feeders with stories of how bad it is, and it worked :laugh:


Well-Known Member
A few bids back I had a run where I had a 3 hour wait everyday for my outbound load. That was if I took my time and stopped on the way there.

If I left on time and didn't stop it was an easy 3 1/2 hour wait.

I put on 15 lbs on that run.


Staff member
There was sup on the night sort at harpa who was going around knocking on peoples doors on the outbound wall telling them that if they were sleeping on the clock they were stealing time, if they had burned all their meal they needed to be standing behind their trailers waiting for the sort to finish. Guys just looked at him like he was crazy and went back to sleep.


Active Member
On my current run I get to hub around 12:45-1:00. Once I get there I break my set, wash tractor and sleep. I have to wait on night sort to finish. Usually pull anytime between 3:45 - 4:30. Been in feeders for 16 years. Like someone said earlier the worst day in feeders is better than the best day in pkg. I see my family more now than when I was in pkg. I love working nights , I have passed up day runs on our annual bids the past eight years. Best job at UPS.


Well-Known Member
It sounds like the lower seniority guys tried to scare you off from feeders with stories of how bad it is, and it worked :laugh:
Their wives are singing a very diff tune to my wife about their unhappiness of the hubby's new work schedule and their lack of enjoyable weekend time with them. Must all be a huge conspiracy to keep me on my great new bid route and working the iob I prefer at this point.

Also the sleeping I'm talking about is the on call guys on the clock who are waiting for extra work which I stated in my other post. They had an issue with one of them this peak whose phone was off and he took a nap while the feeder dispatch was looking for him to go get a last min load. It was an issue
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Well-Known Troll
Their wives are singing a very diff tune to my wife about their unhappiness of the hubby's new work schedule and their lack of enjoyable weekend time with them. Must all be a huge conspiracy to keep me on my great new bid route and working the iob I prefer at this point.

Well, my wife doesn't love my schedule, but I'm home every Tuesday, and on the weekends. Oh, and did I mention how nice peak is in feeders? Never being asked to go and help so and so, or grab these pickup pieces.

God, it's AWESOME


Well-Known Member
Between carcadian rythems and the effect on the sub conscious of any social animal not sleeping the same time and in the same area as your "family" the scientific cards are stacked against night workers.


no one considers UPS people."real" Teamsters.-BUG
I have avoided the feeder bids like the plague, seems like a lonely miserable existence to me. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel with allmost 30 in,, i was always home in time to see my childs various activities. I would say 90% of my career i have been home before 6pm. THAT BEING SAID-- the new ups wants 200 stops on everyone so i dont think if i was starting out i would feel the same