Found these on the internet:
"I've been doing doordash, instacart and UberEats from the last 3 years and started Amzonflex just last November. The first 2 years I filed taxes, I didn't owe anything and instead got a refund with doordash, instacart and UberEats. But this year with Amazon flex, I owe $800! WTF!? I don't even have 800 total in my bank account. Thankfully I'm getting $400 refund from state so that leaves me with only 400 to pay. This is the disadvantage of closer routes with more pay. With food delivery, I would make more money but I would also drive for 3-8 miles per delivery, I would use my old car so I wasn't worried about wear and tear on it. And if I'm driving for more miles then I'm also using more gas, which means more deduction.
I'm probably quitting this and going back to doordash and UberEats, I'm missing them anyways since the last few months."
"I stopped doing flex because of the wear and tear on my car (always got sent way out in the country: pot holes, gravel roads, and lots of miles). I also was hoping that I’d come out better on my taxes, but the mileage deductible didn’t lower my taxes at all. I got a small refund (thank you 12 yo son

). I delivered when the pay in my area was better, now I feel like I’d actually be losing money on the whole deal. I feel so bad for Bezos, I’m sure he wants to pay Flex drivers more, but he’d take such a huge hit…he might actually have to pay taxes."