i think it is largely hidden just based on how many lost ppl there are.
No it is not. Anyone saying they have "secret" knowledge that most other people can't see... is usually either deluding themselves or engaging in conspiracy theories.
Rich people and corporations break US laws all the time, we just don't care. Heck, lobbying which is just rich people paying other rich people money to beg the government on their behalf is out in the open. There are all kinds of scams and pyramid scheme companies that rip off milions of Ameircans and yet are "legal" its all out in the open. Information about climate change, the coranivrus, etc are all out in the open, mfers just don't care.
Pick any issue and there are mulitple reports about it and no one is hiding. They don't have to.
I think a lot of people believe they are going to get friend'd over to some degree and that's jusr the way it is, but what they want is to not be on that society's lowest rung as long as certain out groups are doing worse that's the core of their political ideology.