America the Beautiful


Well-Known Member
You obviously didn't watch Obama's campaign in 2008. And Bill Maher has prominent Democrats on his show all the time. His whole shtick is political humor. But his show also discusses issues every week. I'm surprised a politically savvy guy like you isn't aware of that. Is it because he's white? By the way Al Sharpton, Rachel Maddow, Don Lemon, a few others have influence too. Doesn't mean they run the show, just that people listen to their opinions.
You are using a vague word Influence and i don't know the extent you mean by influence. Does Oprah have "any" influence with "any" Democratic voters? I suppose she does, but do most democratic voters want Oprah to endorse candidates? Do Democratic voters ask Oprah her political opinions? Do elected Democrats seek out Oprah's endorsement or listen to her political views? Is Oprah a kingmaker in Democratic politics? I just don't see any evidence of that either Oprah or any non politician has that much influence on the political choices of most democratic voters.


Inordinately Right
Who is the talk show hosts, political pundits, or non politicians who have political influence with most Democratic voters? I can not think of even one.
Turn on MSNBC or NPR or CNN.
They're all left wingers and Democrats swallow their swill without question. Your suggestion that Democrats don't listen to pundits is nonsense and illogical.


Well-Known Member
Ok well answer the questions, what are Oprah's political views? Which Democrats are listening to Oprah's political views?
Who is the talk show hosts, political pundits, or non politicians who have political influence with most Democratic voters? I can not think of even one.
I feel like mainstream talk show hosts like oprah, ellen, the talk all contribute 2 the matrix


Well-Known Member
Turn on MSNBC or NPR or CNN.
They're all left wingers and Democrats swallow their swill without question. Your suggestion that Democrats don't listen to pundits is nonsense and illogical.
I didn't say Democrats don't listen to political pundits. The category political pundit is a huge category and includes a ton of people. So yes Democratic voters and elected Democrats do listen to certain political pundits, historians, economists, social scientists, etc. So yes if you add up every media company or every political talking head, you can say of course these people collectively have influence with Democratic voters, but that doesnt add up to there being one political pundit, historian, economist, or social scientist I can name that has political influence over the majority of Democratic voters or the Democratic party. Some individual Democrats may like Jake Tapper, Cornel West, Kimberlé Crenshaw, George Stephanopoulos, Lester Holt, Ta Nehisi Coates, R. Maddow, Corey Robin, Ezra Klien, Noam Chomsky, Paul Krugman, David Shor, Raj Chetty, Thomas Piketty, Nikole Hannah-Jones, and many many many more but also a lot of Democratic voters have never heard of these people, or dislike those people or don't agree with them or don't even see them as Democrats, etc.

So that is the question I answered which was which non politician has political influence on most democratic voters or the democratic party. I can't think of any.

You just took huge media companies and said turn them on, they are all leftwingers and that democrats swallow their swill without question, but of course the vast majority of Democratic voters don't watch MSNBC, or CNN and NPR hosts are like non descript and not even famous. That's why you can't name a single person and show ok here is this person's actual influence with the majority of Democratic voters or elected Democrats. You have to pretend to know its true.


Well-Known Member
You said you can't think of even one.
Keep dancing away from your ridiculous comments.
You can't read for comprehension. I was asked which non politician do I see that has political influence on the majority of Democratic voters or the Democratic party. I said no one because there is no one. You still have yet to name and show one non politician who has influence with the majority of Democratic voters or the democratic party. Go ahead name someone and show their influence with the majority of Democratic voters and the Democratic party.


Well-Known Member
You do realize those script writers wrote "The Matrix," right?
theyre directors too. wachowskis. but theyre obviously very well read, but most hollywood is not even capable of imitating the intelligence of the matrix bc theyre not well read. they took what was done before, and what they knew, and created something new.

its hilarious how you guys think movies are meaningless. again, we analyzed fiction works before college. im assuming you dont do that in school?