America the Beautiful


Well-Known Member
Bill Maher is a person who once used his show, with Nancy Pelosi's daughter fliming, to make fun of poor people. It was a cruel and irresponsible thing to do, and I was done with the show. I want to say this was back in 2011-2012. He has always had this anti-muslim thing. I remember he said he didn't want women who praticed Islam to wear burqas in America. He has always had this anti-feminism thing. I remember him saying something ridiculous years ago like it is politically incorrect to be a male and he blamed this on feminism. So he just combined those two things with pretending he cares about the plight of Afghanistan women or that "liberals" don't care about the plight of women in Afghanistan, it is a wholly made up argument he is attributing to the imaginary "liberals" in his head.
Maher is one of the most influential liberals in the country. You should watch, he rips Republicans all the time. But it's always funny to see liberals squirm when he criticizes them.


Well-Known Member
Maher is one of the most influential liberals in the country. You should watch, he rips Republicans all the time. But it's always funny to see liberals squirm when he criticizes them.
I guess that depends on what influential means to you. Maher has a national talk show on HBO that has famous guests, and that sometimes generates headlines, but I don't think Maher is that politically or even culturally influential. About 1million people watch his show. I rarely ever hear anything about it, and no one I know talks about Maher or his show. I don't think Democratic politicians are wanting Maher's endorsement or approval as the key to winning elections.


Well-Known Member
I guess that depends on what influential means to you. Maher has a national talk show on HBO that has famous guests, and that sometimes generates headlines, but I don't think Maher is that politically or even culturally influential. About 1million people watch his show. I rarely ever hear anything about it, and no one I know talks about Maher or his show. I don't think Democratic politicians are wanting Maher's endorsement or approval as the key to winning elections.
Who would you consider to be influential on the Democratic side among non politicians?


Well-Known Member
Not even Oprah?
Which Democrats listen to Oprah's political views? Hell what are Oprah's political views? There are no talk show hosts, political pundits, or non politicians who have much political influence with most Democrats. The closest would be Michelle Obama, but even then I just don't think so.


Inordinately Right
Which Democrats listen to Oprah's political views? Hell what are Oprah's political views? There are no talk show hosts, political pundits, or non politicians who have much political influence with most Democrats. The closest would be Michelle Obama, but even then I just don't think so.
Holy hell you are detached from reality.


Well-Known Member
Which Democrats listen to Oprah's political views? Hell what are Oprah's political views? There are no talk show hosts, political pundits, or non politicians who have much political influence with most Democrats. The closest would be Michelle Obama, but even then I just don't think so.
Seriously? Oprah had a huge influence supporting Obama in 2008.


Well-Known Member
Seriously? Oprah had a huge influence supporting Obama in 2008.
Again what are Oprah's political views? Which Democrats are listening to Oprah and asking for her endorsement? Obama had a lot of momentum after being the 4th ot 5th black person ever elected a US senator. He gave an widely loved speech by Democrats in 2004 at the Democratic national convention. He had a lot of endorsements from elected Democrats. He was a political star by 2006 when Oprah said she wanted him to be potus.
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Well-Known Member
Ok well answer the questions, what are Oprah's political views? Which Democrats are listening to Oprah's political views?
Who is the talk show hosts, political pundits, or non politicians who have political influence with most Democratic voters? I can not think of even one.
Oprah, Bill Maher, Stephen Colbert.


Well-Known Member
You don't have a clue.
You are just going off your imagination. There simply is little to zero proof that most Democratic voters are influenced politically by any non politician, talk show host, or political pundit. If any non politicians are politically influential why don't Democratic candidates seek any of their endorsements? Seriously, Biden sought the endorsement of Clyburn in South Carolina. He sought the endorsement of Democratic governors and senators, trade unions, etc. He didn't seek the endorsement of one non politician because their endorsements mean very little to most Democratic voters. In my memory the Democratic presidential candidates with the most celebrity endorsements during the democratic presidential primary were Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Andrew Yang. They all lost to Biden who received very few celebrity endorsements during the Democratic primaries.

Republican candidates do frequently seek the endorsement of non politicians. They sought out trump's endorsement before he ran for potus. They used to seek out Limbaugh. They honored Brietbart. and Fox News because those voices hold a lot of sway with republican voters. Democratic candidates don't do that stuff with any news network or political commentator because none hold sway with the majority or a signifiant minority of democratic voters.
There just aren't any writers, or talk show hosts, or political pundits that Democratic candidates seek because none of those people hold sway with most Democratic voters political choices. I am open to any proof that I am wrong. Any.


Well-Known Member
You are just going off your imagination. There simply is little to zero proof that most Democratic voters are influenced politically by any non politician, talk show host, or political pundit. If any non politicians are politically influential why don't Democratic candidates seek any of their endorsements? Seriously, Biden sought the endorsement of Clyburn in South Carolina. He sought the endorsement of Democratic governors and senators, trade unions, etc. He didn't seek the endorsement of one non politician because their endorsements mean very little to most Democratic voters. In my memory the Democratic presidential candidates with the most celebrity endorsements during the democratic presidential primary were Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Andrew Yang. They all lost to Biden who received very few celebrity endorsements during the Democratic primaries.

Republican candidates do frequently seek the endorsement of non politicians. They sought out trump's endorsement before he ran for potus. They used to seek out Limbaugh. They honored Brietbart. and Fox News because those voices hold a lot of sway with republican voters. Democratic candidates don't do that stuff with any news network or political commentator because none hold sway with the majority or a signifiant minority of democratic voters.
There just aren't any writers, or talk show hosts, or political pundits that Democratic candidates seek because none of those people hold sway with most Democratic voters political choices. I am open to any proof that I am wrong. Any.
You obviously didn't watch Obama's campaign in 2008. And Bill Maher has prominent Democrats on his show all the time. His whole shtick is political humor. But his show also discusses issues every week. I'm surprised a politically savvy guy like you isn't aware of that. Is it because he's white? By the way Al Sharpton, Rachel Maddow, Don Lemon, a few others have influence too. Doesn't mean they run the show, just that people listen to their opinions.