An Elephant Tale!



My my Sir Pickup, you seem to have falleth into alot of muck lately. I will talketh with my dearest Dizz and seeth if I can convince him to restore you to the person that you should be (along with thine lady). :happy-very:

thank you for petitioning for me, dear dilligaf, and for helping your bitter half to see the error of his ways.


thank you for petitioning for me, dear dilligaf, and for helping your bitter half to see the error of his ways.
LOL Dizzee isn't bitter sire, he is just stubborn and needed to see-eth the other side(mine) of things. Of course bribery helpeth alot. :happy-very:


LOL Dizzee isn't bitter sire, he is just stubborn and needed to see-eth the other side(mine) of things. Of course bribery helpeth alot. :happy-very:

Sir Dizzee is a scoundrel, Lady Dilligaf. He is leading you down the garden path and as soon as he tires of ye, you will no longer occupy the upper most place of his castle in the air. He bendeth the very fabric of reality. Even now, his evil magicks invade other dominions. The home page of browncafe is now bent out of shape. Right is now left and left is now right.

While I thanketh ye and Sir Babooba for persuading Sir Dizzee in giving me a finer vessel to occupy, I am also ashamed that thou and he have debased thineselves in your petitions on my behalf. I would rather be a pig than to have to have to kiss the ring of Dizee (and only the gods know what ye had to kiss in order to soften his black heart) . I will continue to labour until his evil rule hast diminished.

Do what ye will do to me , Dizzee. It mattereth not to me. No matter what thou dost do to my body, thou can not touch my soul.

P.Seth to Dizzee : your dawgs have no bite, and little bark. My frost giants have have played cowboys and indians and have slayed them both and all . Can anything stop this juggernaut led by a giant from the House of Manning?


Sir Dizzee is a scoundrel, Lady Dilligaf. He is leading you down the garden path and as soon as he tires of ye, you will no longer occupy the upper most place of his castle in the air. He bendeth the very fabric of reality. Even now, his evil magicks invade other dominions. The home page of browncafe is now bent out of shape. Right is now left and left is now right.

While I thanketh ye and Sir Babooba for persuading Sir Dizzee in giving me a finer vessel to occupy, I am also ashamed that thou and he have debased thineselves in your petitions on my behalf. I would rather be a pig than to have to have to kiss the ring of Dizee (and only the gods know what ye had to kiss in order to soften his black heart) . I will continue to labour until his evil rule hast diminished.

Do what ye will do to me , Dizzee. It mattereth not to me. No matter what thou dost do to my body, thou can not touch my soul.

P.Seth to Dizzee : your dawgs have no bite, and little bark. My frost giants have have played cowboys and indians and have slayed them both and all . Can anything stop this juggernaut led by a giant from the House of Manning?
Nay Sir Pickup, Tis not Dizzee who be-eth the scoundrel. Tis not Dizzee who leadeth me. Tis thine own Lord of York that haseth the black heart. Tis his own words that hath upended the world as I see it. I will defendeth Dizzee, as I would have defended thine own Lord until I hath learned of his forked tongue, to the end.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Wow Dizzee I'm impressed with your creativity....

You captured the true essence of how we live in one picture!:rofl:

Hey BB what's wrong with blue bunny slippers at least my feet stay warm.:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
One night, many years ago, in my Preload days, I was unloading a feeder with my friend Don. He lifted a wooden crate that weighed 70 lbs (our weight limit back then). It was addressed to the nearby Tampax factory. This was our conversation:

“What the hell is Tampax getting this time?”
“Elephant tampon”
“Elephant tampons? Come on now”
“I’m serious”
“A case of elephant tampons?”
“No, a case with an elephant tampon”
“Go on, you’re full of ****. I never heard such a thing”
“Of course not. They don’t advertise all their stuff. You’re not gonna see a Tampax elephant tampon commercial on TV. Not many elephants watch TV. A friend of mine works in quality control there and she told me all about them”
“Yeah. Think about it. Elephants are mammals. Mammals have periods. Thus elephants have periods. It’s a big mess and not a pretty sight. Tampax saw the market and now have it cornered.
If you go to the zoo or circus, you never see an elephant having a period. It’s not good PR. Suppose a little kid sees an elephant during her time. It could have a traumatizing effect on them. ‘Daddy, what’s wrong with the elephant? Mommy look! The elephant is dying!’”
“I never thought about that”
“She told me that they just developed one with an eyebolt. They just hook up a cable and effortlessly winch it out. The old ones had a rope. They would sedate the elephant and four or five guys would play tug of war with it.”
“What does she do?”
“She’s in QC. She runs tests on used product. Women hired as testers send them in by the mail. The big ones come via UPS”
“You mean…..”
“Why do you think it weighs so much? Pop it out, wrap it up and send it off. We’re performing a vital service”

A supervisor in the background was listening in the whole time. He fought hard to keep from laughing. Towards the end he almost pissed his pants!

How gullible can somebody be?:happy-very:

I am never getting back the 20 seconds it took to read this, am I....


I started this.
Staff member
Wow Dizzee! You're awesome. It's almost like there was a camera in our bedroom.

The only thing I can think of that is different from reality is that the bunny slippers need to be swapped. I usually wear the blue bunny slippers. Tony loves his fuzzy pink ones.

Big Babooba

Well-Known Member
Wow Dizzee! You're awesome. It's almost like there was a camera in our bedroom.

The only thing I can think of that is different from reality is that the bunny slippers need to be swapped. I usually wear the blue bunny slippers. Tony loves his fuzzy pink ones.
I knew it!!!:happy-very: