And here...we...go. Amazon launches UPS/FedEx style package cars


Well-Known Member
I was a part time sup back in the 90s before we went public. I was just a kid, but back then I was taught to treat my area of responsibility like it was my own business. Be efficient, treat people right, etc. I was given goals and standards, but I was also given the freedom to decide how to run my little part of the business. I worked with a lot of smart people who went on to be career management people. I was shown early plans of what, at the time were called "Hub of the Future" and "Center of the Future". That solidified I would not go into full-time management. The idea that all decisions would be made from a central location in a division or district and carried out by local management, reducing the number of operations management by more than half. It never got fully realized, but the central decision making part and consolidation of regions, districts, and centers stuck.

I think they should give operations decisions back to the operators to adjust and plan in real time with tangible information.

An example we have all seen: Cut 2 preloaders because Preload PPH is the flavor of the month and we must hit it at all costs. So we save $150 on 2 preloaders, while 45 drivers sit on the clock for a half hour at their overtime rate waiting to leave the building at a cost of well over $1000. It's really inexcusable, but that is the type crap these idiots do everyday and the operations people are powerless to push back, even if they can make the case that it is a bad business decision.

When I get together with my career management friends, it's obvious to both me and them that I made the right choice to be a driver. Cause for me, none of that crap matters when I hit the road. Just me and a bunch a packages and I get compensated for every minute I give to this company.
It’s because the preload supervisors only care about their preload numbers and not the driver numbers. As long as their numbers look solid, they don’t care if the company actually loses more money in the grand scheme of things. They don’t see the bigger picture and it’s upper managements fault for making everything about the numbers in each division

Rick Ross

I'm into distribution!!
For all of you new drivers out there. Don’t let this be you.

dude makes 150k a year, has been here 40 years and hasn’t managed to save a dime.

He makes way more than $150k if his run is what he has said. I bet he's over $100k already this year.

As far as no savings when he retires it may not be his fault, who knows what unfortunate circumstances life has dealt him. I give him credit for not being like 90% of internet posters who all claim to have purchased Microsoft, Google and Amazon with perfect timing and are all independently wealthy.


Well-Known Member
It’s because the preload supervisors only care about their preload numbers and not the driver numbers. As long as their numbers look solid, they don’t care if the company actually loses more money in the grand scheme of things. They don’t see the bigger picture and it’s upper managements fault for making everything about the numbers in each division

I got my preload sup to say outloud, "dont worry about it, the drivers get paid 30+ an hour so let them worry about it, its their problem". Lol ...
Lately, ive been trying to get her to say " just throw it in there anywhere" and she almost did Thursday. Hahaha ...


Well-Known Member
Amazon can easily afford to pay more money for drivers if they seem it necessary.

I don't know why people don't take this as the threat that it is. Especially when we all get to see for ourselves everyday all the incredibly dumb decisions made at this company everyday. Just look at what a crap show Orion STILL IS!
Amazon is no threat to UPS until it starts shipping packages from other non-Amazon shippers. If Amazon is delivering their own volume what money are they stealing from us? We deliver their 3rd party and overflow volume.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Amazon is no threat to UPS until it starts shipping packages from other non-Amazon shippers. If Amazon is delivering their own volume what money are they stealing from us? We deliver their 3rd party and overflow volume.
The packages they are delivering were purchased from them instead of their retail competition. Many of which have contracts with UPS. Less volume means less jobs. Less jobs means less money going into our pensions. Let that sink in.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
He makes way more than $150k if his run is what he has said. I bet he's over $100k already this year.

As far as no savings when he retires it may not be his fault, who knows what unfortunate circumstances life has dealt him. I give him credit for not being like 90% of internet posters who all claim to have purchased Microsoft, Google and Amazon with perfect timing and are all independently wealthy.
Well he already told us about his plane and Harleys and corvette. Think he mentioned a few other toys. So it’s not like he didn’t have disposable income.

Rick Ross

I'm into distribution!!
Well he already told us about his plane and Harleys and corvette. Think he mentioned a few other toys. So it’s not like he didn’t have disposable income.

Oops, I missed that information. Hopefully he's not also leasing a car and living in an apartment.

With his income he should be maxing his 401k contribution at the very least.


Active Member
I saw an Amazon driver while on route and I asked him if he was getting a big truck. He said probably not because he was just going to college; but he said that his center had gotten in 19 new UPS style trucks. I told him don’t get one because the load will get heavier and the ‘no a/c’ is a pain. He then told me that he has seen the new trucks and they have a/c in front and back. Seemed like he was being truthful, but sounds to good to be true.


Well-Known Member
I saw an Amazon driver while on route and I asked him if he was getting a big truck. He said probably not because he was just going to college; but he said that his center had gotten in 19 new UPS style trucks. I told him don’t get one because the load will get heavier and the ‘no a/c’ is a pain. He then told me that he has seen the new trucks and they have a/c in front and back. Seemed like he was being truthful, but sounds to good to be true.

I know some of the Fed Ex trucks have A/C, so I wouldn't be surprised if Amazon had it also.


Well-Known Member
I agree that UPS is it's own worst enemy. In their attempt you use technology to streamline the business, what they have really done is taken the decision making away from the people that are running the operations. The idea that someone in an ivory tower making one size fits all decisions for all operations is ridiculously short sighted. Managers and supervisors have no authority to adapt and problem solve. The nerds in the ivory tower come up with operating plans that make them look like geniuses on paper and save the company money, while conveniently leaving out variables that don't support their plan.

I watch the company throw away piles of money everyday on bad plans. The saying that comes to mind is, stepping over a dollar to pick up a dime. All of the management people know it, their hands are tied. There may be some really good, talented management folks around us with great ideas and skills, but we will never know. They are forced to be mindless drones that are beaten up for critical thinking or independent thought.

Still, don't know if Amazon is a big enough threat to take on the Big Brown Machine in a significant way.
I’m seeing fields of blue vans and rentals. All due respect sir, I’m not seeing the long term plan.

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
Possibly we are selling our junkers to them for a premium instead of crushing them?
"It may run rough, but it has a new ignition cylinder!"
"Our mechanics keep them all in tip top shape!"


Legio patria nostra
AMZN will simply pick up what UPS loses.
Look back 10 years ago until today....

See a Major Airline and an innovative purchase and delivery service that wasn't around back then?
Now extrapolate to 2030 with an improvement factor of about 300%.....

Does UPS improve and grow year after year? If so, in the right direction??

I have been lurking

Tired hubrat
He makes way more than $150k if his run is what he has said. I bet he's over $100k already this year.

As far as no savings when he retires it may not be his fault, who knows what unfortunate circumstances life has dealt him. I give him credit for not being like 90% of internet posters who all claim to have purchased Microsoft, Google and Amazon with perfect timing and are all independently wealthy.
My drivers were getting $60 for coming in early on the clock. But god forbid I get another $22.50.

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