You make a good point, I shouldn't give telematics any credit. But my point being they should not jump to conclusions and just believe a customer without investigating first, or even asking me. Customers and random people lie so damn much that I don't understand why management believes even half of what people day.
We had a customer call in multiple complaints that a driver was unprofessional and maliciously throwing packages while delivering. This guy wasn't even the one getting the packages, it was his neighbor across the street and the guys security cameras pointing that way taped the driver. Management just took his word for it and accused the driver of mishandling packages or whatever and reamed him saying he would be paying for claims on broken packages etc. Then gave a pcm about how we need to be professional at all times because cameras are everywhere.
Driver knows the people he delivered to well and asked them for the ring doorbell video. It shows our driver very lightly tossing a blue bag from the gap or old navy onto their porch because there was a dog or child gate set up. The old man made it sound like the driver was spiking packages like Gronk after scoring a touchdown and our stupid management team took the word of some

old man with nothing better to do than try and get someone in trouble. He probably had a bad Ups experience before and saw this as a chance to get back at us?