59 Dano
I just want to make friends!
Actually, if Fred was committed to creating the most efficient package delivery service, and wasn’t so threatened by the thought of dealing with collective bargaining, he could afford to pay competitively, and managers would be able to browbeat employees who were actually afraid to lose their jobs.
This board is like my favorited football message board.
"Why don't we trade for [some big name]?"
Because we don't have any players they need and we don't have any draft picks to spare. And besides, he's not as good as the others we've already got at that position.
"Why don't we sign [some big name free agent]?"
We don't have the cap space and we don't need him.
"Why don't we trade [one of our guys]?"
We probably won't get much for him and no one wants his contract.
"If Fred paid more then everything would work perfectly."