Lets visit the "Skeletal Closet" of the newest GOP flavor of the month!
This will be fun!
Possible Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich - The Dark Side
Old prune Pelosi was crowing that she had dirt on Newt.........well, maybe she has, but she'd be violating ethic committee rules and get herslf in hot water if she discloses info. from those private hearings. Do it San Fran Nan............I'd like to see your scrawny old ass in a stew!!!
Old prune Pelosi was crowing that she had dirt on Newt.........well, maybe she has, but she'd be violating ethic committee rules and get herslf in hot water if she discloses info. from those private hearings. Do it San Fran Nan............I'd like to see your scrawny old ass in a stew!!!
Old prune Pelosi was crowing that she had dirt on Newt.........well, maybe she has, but she'd be violating ethic committee rules and get herslf in hot water if she discloses info. from those private hearings. Do it San Fran Nan............I'd like to see your scrawny old ass in a stew!!!
That would have to originate in the House, so ask John Boehner.Now that's funny.
She serves in Congress, first as It's queen and now as a lower player during the time when Congress has the lowest polls number in history.
By the way, when is Congress going to pass a budget ?
Aren't we about to reach 1,000 days soon ?
That would have to originate in the House, so ask John Boehner.
...and hasn't ended yet?It started on her watch as queen.
This feels strange to say, but Newt might be exactly what this country needs. Who else has the history of working with Democrats, love of the Tea Party, the Teflon of Reagan, and an ego big enough to tell either or both sides to "piss off". Newt's another moderate but one the Tea Party can't help but love. He's been "vetted" (or shall we say the right is willing to give him a pass on all things personal and public). He's a master of the red-meat speech, but was recently speaking pleasantly with Al Sharpton and President Obama. Who else would have the gravitas to tell Grover Norquist to sit down and shut up 'cause taxes are going up to bring the deficit down? And remember, a republican president with a republican congress is going to have to deal with a democratic minority that has witnessed a "do nothing" congress and taken notes on how to obstruct. Newt would know how to swim those muddy waters. All that said, Newt as candidate re-elects Obama easily.
And that is why he makes the best republican candidate.Newt is unelectable given his past (and present) behaviors.
In truly transparent gov't, that information would have already been a matter of open records. This would be a great job for the Anonymous hacker collective or Wikileaks and would benefit society at large. I would support either or both in breeching cyber walls to make this information public!
Go get em' boys and as Mentax sez, "Crush the Bastards!"