No need but if it makes you feel better, go for it.
If the Republican nominee was a child molester, he/she would still be better than Obama. Just sayin'.
Give it time. Newt might qualify.
Like I said, if he does, he will still be better than Obama.
I'd vote for Charles Manson before I would vote for Obama.
I'd just stay home as IMO voting for one would be like voting for the other and if you think I just compared Obama to Manson, yes I did. Look at the number of innocent dead that President Peace Prize has killed. For someone who is suppose to be "about the children" his hands drip with lots of blood from the innocent young!
But then if you wanted to compare Newt to Manson I'd have no problem with that either.
Go for it!
Never having been a Democrat or a Republican but a loosely associated Libertarian, I understand your point of view.
I never really thought it meant that much who was president until Obama was elected.
He gave us fair warning that he was going to fundamentally change America and he is well on that path.
I think that unless we all want to live in Western European style Democratic Socialist Republic, we have to get him out of office.
If I could be assured that the Repubs could get control of both the Senate and the House, then I really don't care too much whether Obama is voted out.
Funny that your Messiah has been covered in crap from day one and continues to roll in it. With Obama's lapdog media carrying his water and changing his poopy diapers its hard for the sheep to see.
Give it time. Newt might qualify.
Never having been a Democrat or a Republican but a loosely associated Libertarian, I understand your point of view.
I never really thought it meant that much who was president until Obama was elected.
He gave us fair warning that he was going to fundamentally change America and he is well on that path.
I think that unless we all want to live in Western European style Democratic Socialist Republic, we have to get him out of office.
If I could be assured that the Repubs could get control of both the Senate and the House, then I really don't care too much whether Obama is voted out.
Yeah, no way be like Europe or Canada, that would take the US in the top 10 spots among the best countries to live...
The top ten was as follows:
The United States placed 13th.
- Norway
- Australia
- Iceland
- Canada
- Ireland
- Netherlands
- Sweden
- France
- Switzerland
- Japan
So why arent you part of that great UPS system anymore? oh thats right... you couldnt hack it.... need to live off the government.... tipped the bottle too early right?Acctually if you started work at any UPS center in Europe, be it Holland, Germany or whatever... you would start off with full union wages. Get a minum 5 weeks vacation as of starting date. (i.E. you started today nov 20th, you'ld be entitled to 2.7 days vacation this year (2011), yet.
Full pay, full bennies, and full vacation from day 1 (sounds good, doesn't it) ?
Of course in the USA, that's uncool. Companies need to earn more money, and scew the new work force - they need to work their way up, yet.
Workers are much better off in Europe, that I can honestly say.
Then you have other programs, like Government Daycare in some countries - that allows single women to go to work, without the need to worry about babysitters or paying daycare.
Companies in the uS could probably be just as generous, but the Unions in North America are different then those in Europe.
The ones in America only seem to give more to those that have seniority, and nothing to the newbies - the rest the company profits all.
Anyways I lived and worked there, so I know.
And I also know, I left a lot of good things behind, esspcially the great working conditions that I still miss today. If Canada wouldn't have healthcare like the US doesn't - I would be probably back in Europe long ago.
Read about the myth of the "liberal media" :
Myth of the Liberal Media - | Media Education Foundation
Acctually if you started work at any UPS center in Europe, be it Holland, Germany or whatever... you would start off with full union wages. Get a minum 5 weeks vacation as of starting date. (i.E. you started today nov 20th, you'ld be entitled to 2.7 days vacation this year (2011), yet.
Full pay, full bennies, and full vacation from day 1 (sounds good, doesn't it) ?
Workers are much better off in Europe, that I can honestly say.
And who knows, I would think Denmark probably came in 11th or 12th. I would need to google that. Germany can't be far behind, either.
Google yourself (Untied Nations top 10 countries 2011)
So why arent you part of that great UPS system anymore? oh thats right... you couldnt hack it.... need to live off the government.... tipped the bottle too early right?
Yeah, you need to pay plenty for the 'free' medical care.Don't know why many of you still believe we can easily live off government, because I certainly don't and can't.
I don't get a penny from the government.
I live off my savings and some occasional work I do, that's all.
I pay more taxes just living here off my savings than I would living in the US.
I still need to pay VAT (GST) taxes, higher gasoline taxes (then in the US), property taxes of $2400 anually.
GST is even added to the cost of heating my home, so is the electricity and cable/internet & phone.
I'm not even free of paying income taxes, because the savings I take out are being taxed.
And if I did want welfare, then I would need to work for it at a city or government owned or sponsored facility (like waste management, recycle, etc), for mimimum wages (currently in Alberta $9.40/hr).
So, there ya go - clarafied that for ya !
Yeah, you need to pay plenty for the 'free' medical care.
Even the poorest of the poor pay the GST, right?I guess that's the big difference between the US and the rest of the world.
We pay for medicare indirectly from cradle to coffin.
Yup, even diapers have GST on them, so does the coffin, and funeral expenses.
A young kid doing a flyer route for some spare cash, then buying himself a bag of chips or a chocolate bar pays taxes (and a part of it to healthcare).
The senior that wants to golf or gets gas, or just heats his home, has a phone, etc, still pays towards it.
In the US, you only pay basically for 30 years, (at best), of your lifetime, and it's done. (sofar anyways), until no money is left for medicare.