

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
It’s sad to see someone who’s so clearly mentally ill continue on in the public spotlight like this.
its a train wreck that no one can look away from.

Kanye has his right to say sick things.
the public has a right to decide whether they will support him.

the question that i don't see addressed is how much of the public actually agrees with him. And I'm not talking about white supremacists or the fictitious Q-anon threat.

we already know that a certain congresswoman from minnesota has broad support in her community with her anti semetic comments. We have seen others on the liberal side speak the same though somewhat tempered from what we hear from ye.

the difference here may be that ye is more vocal with his opinions where most anti-semites are little more on the down low.


Well-Known Member

Seems Joe isn't the only one with brain/memory issues.
I'll see your 36 and raise you 3



Well-Known Member
its a train wreck that no one can look away from.

Kanye has his right to say sick things.
the public has a right to decide whether they will support him.

the question that i don't see addressed is how much of the public actually agrees with him. And I'm not talking about white supremacists or the fictitious Q-anon threat.

we already know that a certain congresswoman from minnesota has broad support in her community with her anti semetic comments. We have seen others on the liberal side speak the same though somewhat tempered from what we hear from ye.

the difference here may be that ye is more vocal with his opinions where most anti-semites are little more on the down low.

Show me where Rep Omar praised Hitler and denied The Holocaust



Well-Known Member
Guess all these old farts have brain function issues. Time to put them all out to pasture and bring in some young guns.
yea in fairness to all of them no one wants to get caught in the perjury trap so if you're not 100 percent sure of your answer you're better off saying i dont recall.


Well-Known Member
so you're arguing that Omar's anti semitism was nice anti semitism and Ye's not?
I'm sorry i thought your postings here meant you were against all anti-semitism. Silly me

No I’m not. Her antisemitism is way down the scale. Again I asked where she sang the praises of Hitler and denied the Holocaust.

Now unfortunately we’ve become so woke that even criticism of the government of Israel for political/military/law enforcement actions is deemed antisemitic.

I am unnerved by Ilhans words and preferred if she was not a part of the Democratic Party. But I don’t live in her part of Minneapolis so I can’t do anything about her.