I started out as a seasonal package thrower, err, I mean loader. Got re-hired after the holidays and worked for about 3 months before the sort manager approached me and asked if I'd be interested in being a supervisor. It paid more than I was making at the time and seemed easier. It was not. Long story short, they put you in different areas whenever they feel like it and you get blamed for everything even if you're under staffed. I had so many grievances filed against me for actually having to work (unload PC's, feeders, sort just to save my own ass.) I did that BS of a job for about 4 years and then asked the same manager if there was any chance that I could be a driver. He and I were pretty friendly so he helped me out by giving me the opportunity and I went through the training that went along with being a driver. So in the end, yes, it's possible but it helps to make friends with people that have the ability to help you in certain ways. Also, no, don't become a supervisor lol.