Anyone Afraid Of Inflation?


Well-Known Member
Powell: "Rapid changes are taking place in the global monetary system that may affect the international role of the dollar."A US central bank digital currency is being examined to "help the US dollar's international standing."

(Prepping for rug pull CBDC= Your it……)
That’s code for grab your ankles. If you think it’s bad now wait for CBDC Extreme government intrusion into your life.

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
I went back and looked at what we have changed in our employee compensation package since 2019. We've added a work from home position(s), 2 mental health days, paid birthday, referral bonuses (pay and/or time off), 2 charity days (if you volunteer to work at an event), $200 fitness reimbursement (gym, yoga ect) and educational reimbursement (something that directly benefits our business), Things still on the table are additional paid vacation, attendance bonuses, bumping profit sharing by 1.5% and paid lunch period. According to our local small business assoc. our city and surrounding area is currently at 1.6% unemployment, so it's a tough hiring market.

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
I failed to include that we bumped our 401k from 6 to 7%. All additional benefits are as of 1 year of service, but we've discussed 9 months as an improvement.
It's the national average for all current and new employees. Employers had to pay up to get applicants. I know we have raised entry level searchers positions from $17.50 to $21.50 just to get any interest. We've also seen 6% 401k matches move to 8 or even 10% .
My wife got a 16% raise this year. Not that she makes that much to being with but they did raise the starting wage for new hires.


Well-Known Member
My wife got a 16% raise this year. Not that she makes that much to being with but they did raise the starting wage for new hires.
My local union has negotiated three new contracts this year. All of them received double digit percent raises. Basically the companies are begging workers to stay. One of the contracts was voted down by the members that had a 14% increase because they wanted more time off.
My local union has negotiated three new contracts this year. All of them received double digit percent raises. Basically the companies are begging workers to stay. One of the contracts was voted down by the members that had a 14% increase because they wanted more time off.
The workers have the power right now until...
We get stuck in a bad recession


Well-Known Member
The cost of a gallon of gas by country (USD)
Hong Kong: $11.35
Norway: $10.22
Denmark: $10.04
Finland: $10.01
Iceland: $9.83
Greece: $9.49
Netherlands: $9.33
USA: $4.97

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
I saw yesterday where house prices are up 25% the last 18 months and 100% since January 2015. Median house price was 407k as of May 2022. I bought my house, a HUD home, for $62 a square foot in 2009. My last appraisal put me in at $185 a square ft. The housing market needs to cool off.
I saw yesterday where house prices are up 25% the last 18 months and 100% since January 2015. Median house price was 407k as of May 2022. I bought my house, a HUD home, for $62 a square foot in 2009. My last appraisal put me in at $185 a square ft. The housing market needs to cool off.
Just wait till you get your new homeowners insurance bill.
My taxes have doubled and my insurance is up 50% since we bought it. I paid about 30% of what the home builder spent in 2003. People got caught in the bubble and had to walk away and give it back to the bank.
With the prices of houses right now the replacement cost has one up a lot and that's getting reflected in your homeowners insurance


Well-Known Member