Anyone wonder


Well-Known Member
"the Company may create full-time 22.4 combination
driving jobs. Such jobs may include inside work. In the event the
Company utilizes this classification, the following shall apply only to
those buildings that include Saturday or Sunday delivery."

I will walk you through this!

1. the above is a direct cut and paste of the master!
2. The company "may create" = total permission.
3. "may include inside work" =may or may not, its up to UPS to use them however the company cares to. Who here thinks UPS will schedule a driver and pay him or her $34/hr to load for 4 hours? 22.4 will be all driving folks!
4. "The following shall apply only to those buildings that include Sat or Sun delivery." Nowhere does it specifically say that 22.4's have to work Tues-Sat! UPS has a free hand according to the contract proposal!

The devil is in the details! This is why every word matters. UPS knows this. I do not get the impression the IBT gets it!
Print the whole article. You are totally playing the boogieman role.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
They cannot diminish any RPCD jobs that are CURRENTLY scheduled M-friend, the current drivers scheduled T-S are not protected.

But, if we don't allow them, they can NEVER diminish ANY driving job...

The number of RPCDs working a Monday through Friday
schedule in each building, shall be verified and agreed to by
each Local Union and the Company Labor Representative, as of
August 1, 2018 and shall be protected jobs."

RPCDs working a Monday through Friday schedule shall be
guaranteed five (5) consecutive days of eight (8) consecutive
hours per report and forty (40) straight time hours of straight
time pay each week, if reporting each day as scheduled, as long as
work is available.


Well-Known Member
The number of RPCDs working a Monday through Friday
schedule in each building, shall be verified and agreed to by
each Local Union and the Company Labor Representative, as of
August 1, 2018 and shall be protected jobs."

RPCDs working a Monday through Friday schedule shall be
guaranteed five (5) consecutive days of eight (8) consecutive
hours per report and forty (40) straight time hours of straight
time pay each week, if reporting each day as scheduled, as long as
work is available.
Show the whole language.... Funny how you leave out "the number of RPCD jobs in existence at the time of implementation shall be included as protected jobs" and "All disputes determined by October 2018".


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
Print the whole article. You are totally playing the boogieman role.

I can not think for you brother!
I am NOT changing the words!
I am simply cutting and pasting!
The words I have emphasized or changed to red affect us greatly!

They are NOT my words, they are what we will have to live with on a yes vote!


Well-Known Member


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
Go to your email. pull up the email from UPSrising!
There is a link with the entire master proposal! I have now read it 3 times in it's entirety!


Well-Known Member
I can not think for you brother!
I am NOT changing the words!
I am simply cutting and pasting!
The words I have emphasized or changed to red affect us greatly!

They are NOT my words, they are what we will have to live with on a yes vote!
Then paste the whole article and show them that what I said is in there. They can not diminish the Full time positions.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
If you have not read the contract proposal, please do so!

It has been released for weeks now!
Show the whole language.... Funny how you leave out "the number of RPCD jobs in existence at the time of implementation shall be included as protected jobs" and "All disputes determined by October 2018".

Funny how you leave out the language that specifies "in the event the company does not begin Saturday or Sunday delivery at a building until after August 1, 2018, the number of RPCD jobs in existence shall be included as 'protected jobs'"



Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
Show the whole language.... Funny how you leave out "the number of RPCD jobs in existence at the time of implementation shall be included as protected jobs" and "All disputes determined by October 2018".
I am NOT arguing or being combative here. I just want to show that there is a significant difference in your view of what it says and what it actually says is all!!

(New) Section 4. (b). Full-Time Combination Drivers
All existing regular full-time package car drivers (RPCD) shall be
considered RPCD drivers for the purpose of this Section. The Union
and Company commit to protect existing RPCDs from being scheduled
or forced to perform weekend delivery work and increasing the
number of full-time opportunities for part-time employees. To achieve
these objectives, the Company may create full-time 22.4 combination
driving jobs. Such jobs may include inside work. In the event the
Company utilizes this classification, the following shall apply only to
those buildings that include Saturday or Sunday delivery.
1. The number of RPCDs working a Monday through Friday
schedule in each building, shall be verified and agreed to by
each Local Union and the Company Labor Representative, as of
August 1, 2018 and shall be protected jobs. “Protected jobs” shall
include RPCDs that will continue to be replaced by employees
covered under Article 41, Section 2. In the event the Company
does not begin Saturday or Sunday delivery at a building until
after August 1, 2018, the number of RPCD jobs in existence at the
time of implementation shall be included as “protected jobs.” A
copy of the verification shall be given to the Package Division and
to Corporate Labor. Any disputes shall be determined no later
than the October 2018 National Grievance Panel by the Director
of the IBT Package Division and the President of Corporate
Labor or their designee(s).
(New) Section 4. (b). Full-Time Combination Drivers
RPCDs working a Monday through Friday schedule shall be
guaranteed five (5) consecutive days of eight (8) consecutive
hours per report and forty (40) straight time hours of straight
time pay each week, if reporting each day as scheduled, as long as
work is available.
Those RPCDs currently working Tuesday through Saturday shall
be red circled by name and shall continue to be covered under
Article 41, Section 2.
2. It is the commitment of the parties that RPCDs work a Monday
through Friday schedule. To that end the parties agree that all
RPCDs currently working a Tuesday through Saturday schedule
will transition to a Monday through Friday schedule as soon
as practicable, within eighteen (18) months of ratification. The
Company shall have an additional six (6) months for drivers
hired directly into a Tuesday through Saturday schedule.
3. The number of protected RPCD jobs in each building as outlined in
this Article 22.4 (1) above, shall be guaranteed from replacement
by 22.4 combination drivers or from any part-time drivers as
allowed by any Supplement, Rider or Addendum. In the event
a protected job moves to another building or jurisdiction as a
result of a change of operations or otherwise, the protected status
shall follow the job. The number of 22.4 combination drivers shall
not exceed twenty-five (25%) of the total number of RPCDs in the
building. If the amount of regular Saturday or Sunday volume in
a building consistently requires RPCD drivers to work Saturday
or Sunday because of the twenty-five percent (25%) limit, the
Package Division Director and UPS President of Labor Relations
shall be allowed to adjust the limit based on demonstrated service
4. No RPCD shall be laid off or displaced from the classification
while 22.4 combination drivers are working in the building.
5. All 22.4 combination drivers shall be guaranteed eight (8)
consecutive hours of straight time pay per day, if reporting
as scheduled. All 22.4 combination drivers shall work a five
(5) consecutive day schedule of Tuesday through Saturday or
Wednesday through Sunday. This paragraph shall supersede any
Supplement, Rider, or Addendum on the same subject.
6. When the new job includes inside work, the Company shall
be entitled to establish up to a one-and-one-half hour (1.5)
gap, to include the meal period, between jobs in a workday. All
other working conditions not set forth herein, including, but
not limited to, the work available for combination with driving,
bidding procedures, holidays, vacations, etc. shall be set forth in
the Supplements, Riders and Addenda.
7. 22.4 Combination drivers shall be paid in accordance with Article
8. In the event the Company needs additional staffing to cover
Saturday or Sunday ground deliveries, such work shall first
be offered to RPCDs as set forth above, then to Article 22.4
combination drivers on their scheduled off day, then to part-time
utility/cover/casual employees as permitted in the Supplement,
Rider or Addendum. If sufficient volunteers are not obtained,
the Company may force in reverse order in accordance with the
applicable Supplement, Rider or Addendum.
9. No 22.4 combination driver shall be required to complete more
than one (1) qualification period or progression. Any 22.4
combination driver in progression who successfully bids any
other full-time position shall slot in at the appropriate rate for
the classification.
10. In the event a protected RPCD position becomes available, it shall
be filled in accordance with the Supplement, Rider or Addendum,
provided, however that no RPCD position shall be filled by an
outside hire unless the job remains unfilled after exhaustion of
the applicable bidding procedure.
11. Newly created 22.4 combination driver positions shall count
toward the newly created 22.3 jobs required by this Agreement.
12. Article 37, Section 1.b. and c. shall not apply to 22.4 combination
drivers. In those buildings in which the Company creates 22.4
combination jobs to cover weekend deliveries, Article 37 Section
1.c. 9.5 protections shall apply to all seniority RPCDs regardless
of the route they hold or number of years of seniority.


Well-Known Member
"The number of RPCDs working a Monday through Friday
schedule in each building, shall be verified and agreed to by
each Local Union and the Company Labor Representative, as of
August 1, 2018 and shall be protected jobs. “Protected jobs” shall
include RPCDs that will continue to be replaced by employees
covered under Article 41, Section 2. In the event the Company
does not begin Saturday or Sunday delivery at a building until
after August 1, 2018, the number of RPCD jobs in existence at the
time of implementation shall be included as “protected jobs.” A
copy of the verification shall be given to the Package Division and
to Corporate Labor. Any disputes shall be determined no later
than the October 2018 National Grievance Panel by the Director
of the IBT Package Division and the President of Corporate
Labor or their designee(s)

all RPCD Full timers that will go M-friend will be protected. Article 41, section 2 is all Full time drivers.
Last edited:


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
In my interpretation/reading/understanding whatever you want to call it. the total number of protected jobs will be the number of routes in Monday-Friday. The lowest number being Monday for my building. Therefore the number on Monday will be the number protected!


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
Funny how you leave out the language that specifies "in the event the company does not begin Saturday or Sunday delivery at a building until after August 1, 2018, the number of RPCD jobs in existence shall be included as 'protected jobs'"

Devil's advocate here, what building does not have Sat air? So even if XYZ center has not begun the "regular Saturday delivery" cluster that many of us know does the phrase, "in the event the company does not begin Saturday or Sunday delivery at a building until after August 1, 2018" even apply?


Well-Known Member
In my interpretation/reading/understanding whatever you want to call it. the total number of protected jobs will be the number of routes in Monday-Friday. The lowest number being Monday for my building. Therefore the number on Monday will be the number protected!
I'll ask my Business Agent and you ask yours and lets get a straight answer, deal?